Manic Motherhood at it's FINEST!!

Why "I am NOT a VOLCANO!"

Why "I am NOT a VOLCANO!"
click the volcano for the due explanation
"In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured." — Gordon B. Hinckley
Exaggeration is the spice of life

Book I am Currently Reading: Peter and The Shadow Thief

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Not Me Monday and Things That Must Go, Thankfulness Project, day 7

Thankfulness Project, Day 7

November 7th, 2011, Monday

Today, I'm thankful that my husband is not here- not because I don't love him and want him around, but because he is finally starting his second job this morning and it is only 2 weeks to financial okayness. We won't be rich, but we'll be able to sustain ourselves. It'll be a long hard road, but it's a means to an end and we'll make it.


NOT ME Monday

While I wasn't looking, Scarlet did NOT don all her winter snow clothes- minus a shirt or coat- and go outside to play in the snow.

When I told her to come inside, she did NOT exclaim "But I'm a VIKING!!!!" That is NOT her dad's fault, because whenever it's cold, he does NOT tell them to "Viking up", per our Scandinavian ancestors. Apparently our kids should like being cold, since some many generations ago, our family lived in a colder climate.

Mahone did NOT get sick at school and throw up in front of the office, all over the office lady.

Teague was NOT up all night last night because he's cutting a tooth. (It's just a very big bump right now, but any day now, it'll break through.)

We have NOT been listening to Christmas music non stop since Halloween was over.

Now head over to MckMama's at to link up and find out what other people are NOT doing!!!


There's got to be SOMETHING in YOUR life that MUST GO!!!

1. People who continually spell my name
Brea. It's Brae. If it were spelled Brea, it would be pronounced "Bree" This is especially irritating on Facebook when my name is right there for them to see. I mean, do they think I spelled my own name wrong when I was registering and then didn't ever notice it to change it? A typo is one thing- but I know who does it often enough to know if it's a typo or not.

2. Off handed compliments that aren't REALLY compliments. Like: "I could NEVER pull THAT off!" and "It's so.......youuuuuuuu." I'd rather you say nothing at all than imply that my taste or style is something only I find intriguing.

3. Vomit. For obvious reasons.


And now,

How interested would you be if I started a Monday blog hop with the specific intention of voting for each other on Top Mommy Blogs, We're on the Fence and so on? I have a history of failing memes. LOL. Maybe it's just that I lack the patience to keep on keeping on until I get link ups. However, we all want votes. And it'd be a great way to get them.

Please leave your opinion on the subject- and don't forget to return tomorrow for a brand new Touchy Topic Tuesday to leave even MORE opinions!

Like my blog? Please vote for me by clicking the button for Top Mommy Blogs! Thanks!Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory


The Pixel Dad said...

I finally got to doing the challenge you gave me a little while back.

Here's the link:

Hope you enjoy it.

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

LOL about your NMM!

I hope you come and check out mine!

mpmi said...

Thank you so much for your encouragement and commenting during my Humanitarian blog party. It meant a lot to me. Thought you may also enjoy my married blog,

Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

We've been listening to Christmas music too! Isn't this time of year so fun :)

Michael Ann said...

Viking Up! Love that :-) That is great news about finances. Can relate. That is NOT Anne Murray singing this sexy Christmas song is it? What????

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