Manic Motherhood at it's FINEST!!

Why "I am NOT a VOLCANO!"

Why "I am NOT a VOLCANO!"
click the volcano for the due explanation
"In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured." — Gordon B. Hinckley
Exaggeration is the spice of life

Book I am Currently Reading: Peter and The Shadow Thief

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My First Giveaway!!!


Okay, friends! I am excited to announce my first giveaway and to give this thing a whirl! I am not quite sure exactly how this should go, because, like I said, it's my first, and I have never done it before.

Unfortunately for you, I don't have a great name brand something to give away. I don't have a spectacular friend from etsy that makes beautiful home made things.

What I DO have is some thing that I make (yes, there's an etsy shop and I am going to give one away!!!

It has been mentioned in a couple of my posts that I make fairy wings- AUTHENTIC looking fairy wings, not the kinds that are covered in painted nylon. They don't look real, and they look terrible for photography, which is the reason I started making these wings. For the record, though, these wings are pretty fragile. Your daughter will LOVE them, but I suggest using them for a wall hanging, or, if you are a photographer, for pictures only, because they will get damaged, and they are non-repairable.

For the winner, to be announced on March 6th, I will create a CUSTOM pair of small fairy wings. You pick the color, shape and flower color, and I'll make them and ship them off. Here are some examples:


1 entry- Leave a comment here! Tell me what kind of wings YOU will want if you win!

1 entry- become a public follower, and let me know about it here in a comment.
1 entry- VOTE FOR ME by clicking the Top Mama Blogs icon on my left sidebar.

3 entries- Grab my button, or the button for and put it on your blog. (Again, let me know about it in a comment!) Each button is worth 3 entries.

Finally, 5 entries go to those who purchase a Spoon For Scarlet and help me help the children of Primary Children's Medical Center!!!!
Happy blogging and GOOD LUCK!


Mindy Skains Independant Scentsy Consultant said...

Ok I am posting I think a little girl pair would be great. I have no daughters but friends that do.

Mindy Skains Independant Scentsy Consultant said...

I am following you

trooppetrie said...

how adorable, i think i would like the toddler one, they are really beautiful

trooppetrie said...

i am following

Neatha said...

I don't have a daughter but I have nieces but I am into fairy stuff so I was thinking using them as a centerpiece on one of my walls. But I like all the sets so it would be hard to choice but I guess I love the ones on the baby.

Anonymous said...

Those bitty ones on the baby are PRECIOUS!

trooppetrie said...

i found you (155) but could not figure out how to vote, i clicked on votes in but it took me back to your blog

Mimi said...

I can't say enough how much Alex and I love your wings. I don't know what kind she would want though. I am a follower both publicly and from my own blog and we have a spoons for scarlet button on both my blog and Kelly's photography blog and I recently bought a spoon so I don't know if all those count or not. Oh and I just voted for you! I love to come here and read everyday. It makes me smile :)

Windthicket Fables said...

WOw! QUick turnout! Thank you everyone!

BTW, these wings aren't necessarily available- they're just examples.

mimi- of course those all count!

Good luck everyone!

So Who Is The Crayon Wrangler? said...

I already follow (do I get extra points for being loyal before your giveaway?)

So Who Is The Crayon Wrangler? said...

I tried to vote for you but seem to not have the bloggy force harnessed and couldn't get it figured out.

Windthicket Fables said...

LOL- You guys, you just have to click on the button to vote for me. I have gotten a lot of emails saying it wasn't working, but I think it is. I have gotten 61 hits in 2 weeks, and 4 of them were from today. I am really really new to Top Mommy Blogs, and if there's something else to be done, I have no idea what it is- I have read the FAQ's 3 times from top to bottom, and I think I've done everything right. THanks for voting!!! Just click the button- I think that's all you ahve to do!

Reyna Meinhardt said...

Amazing giveaway!

If I won, I would just love to use these for my photography, and I think that I would like them to be kind of soft and light pink with maybe a few light pink rose petals in it?

Reyna Meinhardt said...

I am following your bog!

Reyna Meinhardt said...

I added your button to my blog:

Reyna Meinhardt said...

I voted!

Crystal said...

I was already a follower!

Crystal said...

I would love wings like the third little girl's picture. I'd get my daughter's portrait taken in them :)

Crystal said...

I voted for you!

Crystal said...

I already had your blog button, and now I have your Spoons button. I don't know if these are supposed to be different comments, but that brings me up to nine!!
(I really want some gorgeous fairy pictures of my daughter. Her name means "Queen of the Faeries"

Unknown said...

Just found your blog and you are very talented! I love the fairy wings.....something in green or purple for my daughter. I grabbed your button and am following you, too!

Dean said...

I would love to have my two year old's picture takin with a pair of these wings. Definitely pink. They are adorable!

Dean said...

I am following...

Unknown said...

I love the baby wings...I love greens and pinks so we'd have to go with that color scheme!

Simply beautiful.


Unknown said...

I'm a follower


Unknown said...

I voted!


Kathryn said...

love the child fairy wings!

erin said...

very cute. i think the first or second i would love for my daughter's room.

Jes said...

Those are so cute! I'm a follower now..

Julie said...

I love the 4th picture! What a great idea!! I'm going to vote for you now! :)

Julie said...

Just voted!!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Cool! I didn't know you made these!
I love the style in the first photo.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

And I already follow you!

Mandee said...

Great giveaway! I hope you get lots of entries! :) If you ever need any help with anything bloggy let me know. :) I went to your etsy shop, but there weren't any wings for me to look at.

I do think they look great in photos! I love the photos you take with them! I added your button to my blog! Hope this helps you out! :)

Crystal said...

PICK ME PICK ME I AM FEELING LUCKY!! Need a pink pair to look cute on a 5 year old, her 2 and 3 year old cousin, her other 5 year old cousin and her 7 month old cousin and hopefully a baby sister someday soon.

Ingrid said...

I love your Fairy wings and your blog! My daughter who is 14moths would love a pair like the ones one the baby! Too cute. Will Tweet about your giveawy too - Very cool :)

My Loves. . . My Life said...

1 - I am having my 1st baby, a little girl, SOON! I am due March 14th so she can come basically any day. I love photography and would LOVE a pair of your wings for her to get some cute photographs in. I really like the 1st pair on that little one.

1 - I became a public follower! :)

3 - I post about your give away, as well as the one over at Pink Moss, in my blog here:

cortnieb said...

I would LOVE a little girl pair for my one and ONLY little girl!!!!

Kimberly @ RaisingOlives said...

Cute, cute, cute! We just found out that we will be having another baby girl in July (our sixth girl) and these would be so cute1

I'd love a pair like the ones on the first little baby

mverno said...

the baby wings

Cindermommy said...

I have two daughters, so any and all things fairy work at our house! These are adorable!

Cindermommy said...

Also, I am now following you! (But I would have even without the awesome wings!)

Sonora said...

Ok, I clicked on the top mommy blogs button. I have considered joining that site. Do you think it is beneficial? Love the wings. They are so so cute!

mogrill said...

The purple wings are adorable. Thanks for the chance.

MommiesSavings said...

I would love these for my daughter definitely pink toddler ones. Cool

MommiesSavings said...

I am now following you

hannah yarbour said...

I really like the wings, Im not sure what I would want though, my daughter loves really sparkly things so maybe something like the curly ones? they are so pretty..

hannah yarbour said...

I voted for you and rated you a 10! You totally deserve it!

Buckeroomama said...

I love the one in the third photo! :)

Buckeroomama said...

Already a follower.

Jes said...

I'm a follower; The wings in the 3rd picture are my favorite.

Karen said...

I like the ones in the 4th picture down. Thanks for the chance


Janae Moss said...

I can't remember if I entered yet... 8)
I am a follower :)
I LOVE any wings you want to make me :)
and I already bought 3 beatiful spoons :)

You are very talented!

Linds said...

those are great! I'd definitely get the baby wings since I am a photog and could use them as a prop for newborn pics!

Unknown said...

OK, I just keep clicking back to these wings - they are precious and magical! I have boys (who wore capes) but I know a little girl who absolutely needs a pair of wings! And I'm forwarding a link to your Etsy shop to all my friends who have little girls. Well done!

Unknown said...

I follow!

Shannon K. said...

I follow

Shannon K. said...

I would love dragon fly wings. I actually think that would be cute for a girl or boy and I have both ;)

Mandee said...

I would love any pair you were to send. They are all great! I would have so much fun taking pics of my nieces in them and maybe even my own baby if this one is a girl. :)

Mandee said...

I voted for you too! :)

Bathwater said...

Well I am a follower and I would like a pair of green dragon style wings for the little T-Rex if I should win.

Sherri said...

Look what happens when I go out of town...I almost miss the coolest giveaway!

Snapshotsofhappiness said...

Oh these are beautiful! I would love them and use them in my photo shoots!

Muthering Heights said...

I love the ones in the last photo...they're just beautiful!!! :)

Thank you for the entry!

Maude Lynn said...

The dragon wings on your etsy site are stunning!

*Jess* said...

You are so talented! I'd love a pair for my daughter!

Sherri said...

I am already a follower!
And absolutely love it!

Sherri said...

I voted for you before...and again!!!

Candy said...

I'd love a pair for myself! I don't know where I'd wear them but I'd probably think of a cute outfit I could pair the wings with for a late night party or event.

umichalum08 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

These are amzing...I'd have to have the little girl wings for my daughter.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

Voted for time you're at my blog, vote for me too!

Ann said...

Beautiful! I would want little girl wings with pink, purple and silver.

Ann said...

I follow you!

Unknown said...

Hi! I have both of your buttons, I follow you, and I clicked on your top mommy blog thing to vote for you. These wings are beautiful and any pair would fit perfectly in my youngest daughters tinkerbell room!

Pol said...

Wow, just love the wings. I would love wings to use with my little ones at school ( I'm in England and I teach year 1 - that's 5-6 year olds. I think that's kindergarten in the US - though I'm not 100% about that.)

Anyway - my school is in the performance network of the RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company). This term I am doing A Midsummer Night's Dream with the children - they are loving playing at being naughty fairies in the magic forest. It is so special to be introducing Shakespeare to young children.

Rebekah said...

I love them! I've been debating if I should enter. (I won't use them that often) but I finally decided to go ahead and give it a try. I would love to win a little girls set for my little pixie.


Melissa said...

My toddler would love a pair of sparkly, magical wings!

melissamcnicol @ yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

+ 3
I just grabbed your button it's on my right sidebar at:


Kimberly said...

I follow your blog. Thank you!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Melodic Mom said...

Wow, these are really beautiful. I'm not creative at all, so it's hard for me to come up with something on my own. But I love the kind in the 1st picture on the baby, and I think a pink or "crystal-like" color would be pretty. I'd give them to my friend who specializes in photographing babies & small children. (Then I'd have her take pictures of my 12-month old with the wings!)

Melodic Mom said...

I voted for you by clicking the top mama icon.

Christina said...

Christina - - I love the Braleigh Wings!

Anonymous said...

I like the little ones on the pretty!

Unknown said...

I grabbed your button!


Unknown said...

#2 I grabbed your button!


Unknown said...

#3 I grabbed your button!


Jessica said...

I love your wings, they're beautiful, I especially like a bat wing style or a butterfly style.

Jessica said...

I follow via google.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the baby wings!!! Pinks and greens would be great colors for flowers or whatnot... you are very talented!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!

Rachel said...

I love those baby wings, I would love to have them for my daughter who will be here in 8 weeks!

Rachel said...

I'm a follower now, too!!

Gille said...

I would love to know when you have more on your etsy as well.

I really adore the wings on that gorgeous little babe in the first pic.

Also, I voted and am following you.

And please don't think I'm being an entry hog but I looked to see what your spoons were about and its a very good cause. I'm going to figure out how to put you button on my blog here:

Nikki B. said...

i love the little newborn sized wings! my best friend from high school is having her first baby, a girl...and i would love this for her!

Nikki B. said...

i'm following!

Nikki B. said...

grabbed your button!

Nikki B. said...

i'm voting for you now!

Muliebrity said...

I need these since I finally get to have a girl!

Muliebrity said...

I am now your devoted follower!

beth said...

voted, posted, followed, purchased... but I don't need an entry... i just love you.

Anonymous said...

I love the wings in the 3rd pic. They are beautiful! Perfect for my daughter and nieces to have picutures done.

Valeta said...

I would love to get one with lilies on it for my 2 year old daughter, Lily.

AmyLynn said...

If I win these wings would be for my friend's 2 year old daughter. I love the shape of the wings in the first photo (almost like a butterfly...very beautiful). And anything that is the color pink and that it sparkly sparkly would make them perfect. Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!

Carebear89 said...

I love the wings in the fourth pic.

Kathy P said...

i love the baby ones how precious :)

Kathy P said...

following your blog as klp1965

Unknown said...

I want all of them!! LOL, seriously these are so cute! My baby is 6 months though so she'll have to grow into them.

Sand said...

I like the Swiry fairy wings.

cman said...

Braleigh Wings :)

disneyfanheather said...

So cute! I would love a pair for my friend's daughters. A pair of pink wings would be great!

disneyfanheather said...

Following your blog!

disneyfanheather said...

I voted for you!

Dawn Reid said...

i think the first or second i would like.


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