Sunday, October 9, 2011

Not Me Monday and Things That Must Go!

Not Me Monday:

I did NOT ditch church yesterday....because 1. It's fast Sunday, and I HATE fast Sundays. Also, the kids were practicing for their primary program next week, so I didn't have to plan a lesson, and my team teacher wouldn't be put out if I didn't show up because it would be MY week to do the lesson....well, that and I took my sister's bridal pictures today.

I did NOT get an adorable new pixie cut last Thursday during one of my twice a week 3 hours-to-myself breaks while Scarlet is in school. Because of the haircut I did NOT get, Teague did NOT miss his nap, and did NOT cry for the entire haircut until I held him on my lap. I did NOT let one of the stylists give my 9 month old a tootsie pop so that he would stop crying, and he did NOT end up with tiny shards of my hair all over his sticky hands and mouth and all over his clothes. I also did NOT use his sweater to mop up his spit up after he ate his bottle, in my arms, while I got my hair cut.

Yesterday, I also did NOT wear my cute new hair in a faux hawk. I mean, I'm almost 30 years old. What kind of mom of 4 does that? NOT ME!!!!! Furthermore, I did NOT specifically do it to shock my mother, who I spent a great deal of time with today. Again, how juvenile. 29 year old women do NOT rebel or do things for the sheer delight of shocking their parents. I was NOT slightly disappointed when my mother was indifferent to my hairstyle.


Welcome to Things That Must Go, inspired in part by my favorite radio show: Radio From Hell on X96 (96.3) here in Utah with Carry, Bill and Gina.

Link up with YOUR list of things that MUST go!!!!!

1. Snot. Particularly snot on babies. Even more particularly, snot on MY babies. Runny noses suck the worst.

2. Road construction on 7800 south in West Jordan Utah. For as long as I can remember, summer, winter, rain, shine, healthy economy or recession, that road has been under construction. I would rather drive 15 minutes out of my way to avoid 7800 south than try to navigate the ever growing and lengthening forest of orange cones and barrels and signs that say "keep right." After at least 30 years of constant work, FINISH THE ROAD ALREADY.

Link up folks- or even let us know in a comment: WHAT THINGS MUST GO??? Grab my button to the right (scroll down!) so your friends and readers can link up too!!!!


  1. Mosquitoes definitely need to go. Over here, around August, they get so bad that my kids look like they have chicken pox. I might add that I absolutely HATE itching. It drives me mad. I secretly have a little war and I cheer every time I kill one. If blood squirts out when it is squished, it is even more of a victory because that means it was one that was attacking me or my kids.

  2. Your hair is super cute! And I thought I was the only one that hated Fast Sundays!

  3. your hair cut is really adorable!

  4. Your list is AWESOME!
    I LOVE x96 too.

    It's so fun reading about another blogger in Utah :)

  5. Oh my goodness! Snot on babies is the worst! Toddlers who can't wipe their own noses yet are also nightmares, especially after they sneeze, lol!

    Your hair is super cute!

  6. Your hair is super cute! I love it.

    I never liked Fast Sunday either. Never. It was new to me because I was/am (whatever, IDK) a convert, and it drove me nuts. I like to eat three meals a day, every day. I guess I'm a heathen.

  7. Oh, and PS: You wore your hair in a faux hawk?? I love you.

  8. it's not so much the fasting that bothers's the testimonies. Particularly the testimonies that aren't testimonies.

    And yeah- I rocked the fauxhawk. LOL.


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