Thursday, October 6, 2011

Photos on Friday

Photo Art Friday



Awhile ago, I did a fund raiser called "SpOoNs FoR ScArLeT" for primary children's hospital because of an event that happened to (click -->) my daughter. This is one of the photos that came out of it and I really love it.


  1. Oh I like the way you edited this photo. The pops of color are wonderful.

  2. What a great edit. You managed to bring out both the color and textuer of your photo. Well done!

  3. Thanx for linking up! I love this picture it make spoons look so magical x x x

  4. Thank you so much for peeking :) I have to say you created a beautiful work of art! TOP JOB!!

  5. That's a gorgeous photo, Brae!

    I love your new Halloween look....was that up yesterday/Thursday when I came by here? I'll be ashamed if it was and I am just now noticing!


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