Sunday, January 29, 2012

Music Monday!

Music Monday!
Enjoy my video of the week by Ingrid Michaelson. I just love her so much!!! Please, also, check out my sidebar to enter one of my MANY giveaways! On top of that, stay tuned in this week for THREE NEW GIVEAWAYS beginning Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday!!!

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  1. I really need to get this song! I love it but for some reason never remember to search it on itunes! I'm making myself a note!

  2. Hi,
    I am a new GFC follower. I found you on a blog hop. I would love for you to stop by my site and follow me back please. Thank you so much!

  3. I really like that song! I hadn't heard of her before, but I am glad that you posted that song up. She has a very interesting sound and I love her voice. Thanks!

  4. This is such a fun song! Music Monday! what a fun feature! I will have to be sure to visit every Monday to find more songs to add to my playlists!

    JadeLouise Designs

  5. Love this! I've never heard her music before! So downloading this from iTunes :)

  6. (entry to handmade ring)

    I LOVE your blog and now, I love your taste in music :) You have such a funny/great attitude! I love your opinions on everything you blog about. I can easily relate to a lot of the things you talk about! Keep it up! <3333

  7. new to your site but am already looking forward to adding a little variety to my music. thanks

  8. Nice I like this song. thanks for posting..

  9. I agree with the other comments! Nice idea - Music Monday, I might use it!!

  10. this is a really good idea Music Mondays I love it!


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