Monday, January 30, 2012

Love With Food giveaway and review!

Love With Food Giveaway 
and Review
by Brae Craig at

Love With Food is an amazing group of foodies, putting together adventurous tastes for all kinds of chefs, from beginners to the extremely talented!

Their website is full of delicious recipes and amazing products. The coolest thing of all are the subscriptions. I received a free subscription for this review, which is a box full of samples to try. If you sign up for the monthly subscription, for a mere 14.00, you get a box, like the one shown below, filled with delicious, healthy samples! 

The absolute best part of this is, when you buy a box, they will donate a meal to No Kid Hungry!!! 

Of course, I was waiting for my sample box, and when I got it, I eagerly opened it to find all these delicious goodies waiting for me! Of course, my children gathered round, ready to sample with me. 

We'll start with my FAVORITE!  Spicy Apple Ginger Cider Chews by The Ginger People. I didn't let my kids try this...because they were too delicious. LOL. Also, it was very hot, but very flavorful. I will be buying some of these on my own!

From the same company, The Ginger People, were Original Ginger Chews. I didn't care for these too much, because they were really really strong, and hot, and quite overwhelming. My husband, though, thought they were SUPER good. I'm also very curious about their affect on morning sickness. I have read that ginger can calm the stomach. I think, though, that these would be best cut into 4-5 pieces. A smaller bite might make it less overwhelming.

Sahale Snacks- Almonds with  cranberries, honey and sea salt. - EVERYONE in our family loved these. It was the perfect mix of sweet, tangy and salty.

It's also a given that my whole family thoroughly enjoyed the Plain Jane peanut Butter Granola from Nuts About Granola. It was, mostly, as one might expect, but with a delicious peanut butter flavor. My kids were very disappointed when it was all gone.

Somersault Snacks- Pacific Sea salt. As per the pamphlet I got in the box: These crunchy nuggets are made with sunflower seeds and toasted grains, making them rich in protein and vitamin E.

I really REALLY wanted to like these. I like sunflower seeds a lot, and so do my kids. Plus, it had a really super cute package. Alas, it wasn't in the cards. I did not like them at all, and two of my kids actually spit them out. Even my husband didn't care for them, and he likes everything.

Mighty Leaf Tea- Chocolate Mint Truffle.  I let my husband test this, as he is the tea drinker in our house, and, as it's a Rooibos tea, and he LOVES Rooibos, I felt he was a better judge than I. He said that he really liked it, though, it was more of a mint tea than a chocolate mint tea. It didn't taste like chocolate at all, though, there was a hearty, earthy flavor to it, which he suspected to be the "chocolate" flavor. 

Stretch Island Fruit Co- I actually buy these all the time, but i've never had the Mango Sunrise flavor. It was delicious. And I didn't share.

(The Somersault Snacks we didn't like)

(the Delicious almonds and cranberries with sea salt.) 

Now it's your turn! I have been given the ability to award FIVE WINNERS with a sample box similar to mine!!!  Enter to win on the rafflecopter below!

***DISCLAIMER:  I received one or more products for free using Mom Blog Society. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally, and believe will be good for my readers. ***

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I love boxes like this...full of mystery and yummy goodies! Thank you for all your hard work on giveaways like this!

  2. Thank you for the giveaway! I love surprises....

  3. Thanks so much for the chance to win one of these.. Good luck to all

  4. hope i win!!

    karinaroselee at gmail dot com

  5. How exciting. I lvoe mystery boxes..

  6. Great Giveaway, Last year my new years resolution was no fast food, and I did great, now that its not my resolution, i have done horrible, I need to get back in the habit of forcing myself to choose good, natural & healthy foods like this!

  7. Thank you for this giveaway :) This is such a great looking box :)

  8. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. All of this stuff sounds delicious! I appreciate the honest reviews about the stuff you didn't like. I think the chocolate with the tea flavoring sounds really good. I LOVE an earl grey chocolate bar that I get in the international foods section of my grocery store!

  11. Wasnt sure if you wanted a comment on this post or on a Non giveaway post so I did both :) thank you for this opportunity

  12. Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I love food :)

  13. Yum! I love samples... unless I REALLY enjoy something and then I am sad I don't have a whole box of it. Lol.
    (Andrea Kruse on Rafflecopter)

  14. Great Giveaway. Would love to win.

  15. Thanks for the giveaway! It is always great to have healthy snacks on hand, and I love to try new things!

  16. You love comments, and I LOVEEEEE food! Nom, nom, nom!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  17. This is such a cool idea, I would love to try it out :)

  18. How fun! I love surprise packages, and I would love to try some of those delicious-sounding goodies. Thanks for the chance!

  19. thanks for a chance to win

  20. Hello, I shared with my FB friends.

  21. thanks for the giveaway

  22. You love comments and I love giveaways so thank you!!

  23. THANK YOU!! awesome giveaway!

  24. I like the page!!!! I would love to win the sight word dvd for my 5 yr old. :)

  25. It's a good thing you're not a volcano, or all of your treats would have melted in magma! ;)

  26. thank you for the giveaway!!


  27. Thanks for the great giveaway! We're always up to surprises!! :)

  28. I'm so excited about this giveaway! I would love the chance to try these snacks!

  29. everything looks so yummy

    heyfrugalmommy at hotmail dot com

  30. Thanks for the giveaway! Love food and cooking. This looks delish!

  31. It all looks yummy. I love trying new stuff!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. I love how it has different healthy samples for you to try. Thanks for this great giveaway!
    - Maritza R.


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