Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Memories Digital Scrapbooking Giveaway!


Now, it's no secret that I am not into scrap booking. I mean, if you haven't ignored my url, that is: "" - Now, don't get me wrong, I can see myself becoming obsessed with it.  I spend a lot of time drooling over the pretty paper and the cool scissors and other awesome accessories whenever I'm in any kind of craft store. 

However, since all my photos are stored on my computer, and I have not printed a single photo in....oh...going on four years, I could never justify the money I would spend- no matter how glittery, chic, or otherwise pleasing to my soul those pretty papers are! 

I AM into photography.  I LOVE taking pictures. And I love editing them. 

When I was approached about a review and giveaway of My Memories Digital Scrapbooking Software, I got all giddy and excited.

And I wasn't disappointed. As a matter of fact, I was also pleasantly surprised. It was even MORE fantastic than I imagined.

First of all, this software is EASY. And that's a must for me. I'm not a COMPLETE idiot when it comes to technology, I do well enough figuring things out that I need to figure out. Or I know the right places to look- but a program that, while cool, and kind of fun, well, if it confused me, I'd quit using it.

A bit timid, at first, to do more than dabble my toes in uncharted territory, I started out with the ready-made templates. VERY easy- just select picture, which appears in a left hand column of your screen, and drag it to a designated photo area.

Personally, I was thinking of making a calendar to hang up or make my background wallpaper on the computer, so I went with that. Here are a few of the months I came up with: 

I think I spent a good 6 hours playing and messing with the software, and finally got the nerve to try something of my own. From scratch, if you will.

Little Teague will turn 1 just after the beginning of the year, so I started with that- I chose the shape, the size, and then the paper. I added pictures and embellishments, changed colors and re positioned. 

The thought of making my OWN Christmas cards this year had me just crazy with excitement! No more cheap Wal-Mart cards!  This is what I made:

I just LOVE all the snowflakes! 

This is going to be AWESOME for birthday invites- imagine what you could make!

On top of all of that, you have access to SCORES of new embellishments, backgrounds, mats, papers, frames and so on, all for low prices at their website:, PLUS, an EXCELLENT source of help answers when you need them!

All this sounds great right? Well, ENTER TO WIN A FREE downloadable copy of My Memories Suite V3! 

BUT WAIT!!! It gets better! When you use this code: STMMMS81813 for a 10.00 discount on My Memories Suite V3- you know, just in case you don't win, though, in purchasing, you can choose the download OR to have the software mailed to you.  And honestly, this is such a wonderful Christmas gift- enter to win, AND purchase a copy for that person in your life who is a scrapbooking FOOL! <3- heaven knows we all know several! 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Hi! I'm a new follower from BloggyMoms. Your blog is so fun and creative! I look forward to your future posts.

  2. Hey Brae! I am entering your contest. I've always liked the My Memories collections people have showed on their website.. I've always been into scrap booking, but never tried it online before.

  3. Oh i forgot i like the christmas cookies set.

  4. Wow, so this is what you can do if you get a little braver with the software!! Very impressed!! As you know I just did a review for My Memories as well and I have to say I love the software, plus there are lots of free downloads you can use too!! I'm just so impressed with all you made!! I'm now going to have to go back and see what else I can create! Thanks for such a fun visit!! I love the birthday invitation and the Christmas card!! Congratulations and good luck on your giveaway!!

  5. these new RC's don't let you put your names in everything...following via GFC ~LadyM

  6. oh man, I hit enter for liking the post b4 I noticed it said error and now I can't find the like button anywhere
    if I"m just missing it can you email me and let me know where it is so I'm disqualified
    ladymiranda1 at gmail dot com
    thanks Brae,

  7. there are so many to pick from! I think the Happy To My Toes is cute

  8. I follow @mymemoriessuite on twitter but the form would not let me leave my twitter name @blessedmama4

  9. I entered hoping to win to give to a friend :) I just finished a review and have a giveaway for MyMemories also - so here's a second chance :)

    I love what you've done with the software! I looked at the calendars but didn't try them out.

    Google+, GFC name is clarissa dickey

  10. I also like the Christmas Cookies set (yum!) and love how creative your blog is!

  11. I like the I love you berry much pack

  12. I'm a nerd and goofed up. I should have the extra 25 entries for getting $10 off. Sorry!


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