Wednesday, October 6, 2010

LAST CHANCE TO ENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is the LAST DAY to enter my giveaway for these gorgeous fairy wings!!!
Scroll down for pictures, and for details on how to enter!!!
Contest ends TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Orange butterfly is removable)

See the iridescence?

Curious how to enter?

Well, I'm going to give you A LOT of chances to win this pair of my FAVORITE wings!!!

Contest ends: TODAY, Thursday, October 7th

***VERY IMPORTANT: If you qualify for ANY of these entries, I need you to COMMENT and tell me ALL of the things you have done to earn entries. For example, if you grab my button or blog about my giveaway, I might not know unless you tell me!!!*****

1. YOU MUST BE A U.S. RESIDENT! (I am SO SORRY! It just costs a LOT of money to send these out of the country!!!)

2. For a grand total of 3 ENTRIES, BLOG about my giveaway to get more traffic to this site!

3. 1 ENTRY- FOLLOW ME! And for an additional entry, if you hop on over to my OTHER blog (the one about fairies) at and FOLLOW ME THERE TOO!!!

4. 1 ENTRY- Grab my button!!! This counts for either THIS blog's button or the one on - and YES!!! If you grab both, you can get 2 ENTRIES!!!

5. 1 ENTRY- PLEASE click on the TOP MOMMY BLOGS button on the left side of my blog so as to vote for my blog- (after all, we know this is just a big popularity contest, right?? LOL- I'm kidding...sort of.)

6. 1 LAST ENTRY- Leave a comment on a DIFFERENT post of mine here, or at - once again, yes, doing it in both places earns you an extra entry!

As you can tell, not only is this giveaway something that I want to do because A-My wings are awesome and I want to share them with you (and possibly sell some- hint, hint: ) B- I LOVE MY READERS and it's such a wonderful way to say THANKS! C-Duh- to get more followers...

BUT...I'm trying to direct more traffic to my Fairy blog too.

Good luck with the contest friends!! You have a week!!!

(Orange butterfly is removable)

See the iridescence?

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the follow. right back at ya from MBC.

    michelle @ ace & friends


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