Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Houston, we have a penis."

Two more days left, friends, in my fantastic Fairy Wings Giveaway!!! Please click the link to see these beautiful, hand crafted wings, and learn how to enter!

Wordless Wednesday
(Click the above link to LINK UP!!!)

INTRODUCING: Teague Liam MacCool, Due January 13, 2011

"You Know You're a Mom When...."
Now hosted by:

Mommy of a Monster

You know you're a mom when you can walk into a room and spot every last thing your child will ruin or get hurt on.
You know you're a mom when you step into a puddle of pee and you're not sure if you should scold the puppy or the potty training child.


  1. Congratulations on your little BOY!
    I love his name- so unique.

  2. Aw, congrats! How exciting!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following you back. Great blog! So glad I'm following! :-)


  3. LoL - I was so scared when I saw the post's title...but wow that's the most definitive ultrasound I've ever seen. Nice of him ;) Congrats!

  4. We were thrilled when we saw one too! The pictures are so clear! Our photos were a little blurry.

  5. LOL the title definitely got my attention. Congrats!

  6. Gorgeous! Congratulations! Sigh... this totally makes me want another baby!!!

  7. congratulations and I"m loving the name!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Congrats! Your kids have the coolest names.


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