Thursday, March 18, 2010

Feel good friday

One more time, I want to ask all my wonderful, loyal readers to please check out and to grab my Spoons For Scarlet button so that we can spread the word and raise money for Scarlet's tree for the Festival of Trees, which brings in THOUSANDS of doallars, 100% of which proceeds go directly to Primary Children's Hospital in order to support, protect, and create more miraculous success stories, like Scarlets! Thank you!

Things that are making me feel good today:

1. Tomorrow is a weekend, and Brandon actually has it off.

2. Chocolate. Specifically Cadburry Creme Eggs.

3. Tax return came...and went. Straight to the credit cards.

4. The Princess and the Frog is out on DVD now- we're renting it for our weekly 'special night' tonight!!!

5. I'm still reveling in the leftover memories and movies of the St. Patricks day festivities. Namely, kilts.

Sorry. No letters today. My life has been sucky lately. I'm a little discouraged. I'll be okay. But for now, this is all I've got.


  1. Yum, Cadbury Eggs! I haven't had one yet this year, because I have a feeling in my pregnant state I'll just want more!

    I looked at Spoons for Scarlet yesterday! They are all so unique that I can't decide which I want. I'm thinking the Celtic spoon. It would be gorgeous on my Christmas tree this year! I'm going to have to make hubby decide which we get.

  2. We just got the Princess and the Frog this week. My little girl loves it. Such a cute movie!

    I love reading your blog! I hope you get feeling better :)

  3. I remember having special nights on Fridays when I was a kid. We ate pizza, watched movies and got to stay up until 9:00! It was amazing.

    We started doing the same thing with our toddler (though he only sits for about 15 minutes of the movie and still goes to bed at 7:30)!

    Visiting from Feel Good Friday!

  4. Sorry things have been bad for you lately. :(

    I think we need to implement Friday night movies at our house. Our girls haven't seen "The Princess and the Frog" yet, so I think we'll rent it soon.

  5. I am definitely going to have to rent that movie for my little one. She loves frogs.

    Yum Easter Candy. I picked up the Reese's Pieces carrot just for me the other day - they usually run out!

    How come there is not any 4th of july candy???

    Hope whatever in life is sucky gets better soon!!

  6. Awww man, I am jealous. We are still waiting for our return! According the IRS site we should (should) receive it by April 20th. Are they kidding???


    Sorry your week was bad, have a lovely and unsucky weekend.

  7. I haven't thought of cadbury eggs in a long time. oh my.
    movie nights, my fav.
    Have your best weekend ever.

  8. got our return, too. it's disappearing quickly! haven't had any Easter candy yet. how can that be? didn't celebrate St. Patty's day. kilts? interesting. i totally get life being sucky. i just wrote a post about SAD thinking i may be dealing with it. ready to be done with it!! have a great weekend!

    ~Mimi @ Woven by Words


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