Thursday, February 2, 2012


Vegetarian Spinach Lasagna 

1.Lasagna Noodles
2. Marinara Sauce (I prefer Prego brand)
3. LARGE tub of Cottage Cheese
4. Mozzarella Cheese (Large Brick)
5.1 Package baby Spinach leaves.
6. Chopped White Onion
7.Black Pepper
8.Italian Seasonings
9. Onion Powder
10. Garlic Salt

Chop 2 big handfulls of the baby spinach and mix with cottage cheese in large bowl. 

Mix in chopped white onion, and spices. 

The original recipe had actual measurements, but I don't even remember what they are. Personally, I like it heavy on the spices, but you can make it heavy or light- just however you prefer it. 

Shred the Mozzarella cheese!  DO NOT MIX the cheese in with your cottage cheese and spinach mixture.

Pour just enough sauce into your casserole dish to coat the bottom: 
Cover with one layer of noodles.

Oh! First- Preheat oven to 350 degrees!

(^^^^^^^^^cottage cheese mixture!) 

Cover the first layer of noodles with HALF the cottage cheese mixture. 

cover THAT with 1/3 of the mozz. Cheese!!!

Do it all over again with just enough sauce to cover the layer of cheese.

Add a second layer of noodles

and the second half of the cottage cheese mixture.

add the 2nd 1/3 of the cheese.

More sauce (remember, just enough to cover the cheese!) and then the LAST LAYER of noodles. 

Use the rest of the sauce to cover your last layer, 

Use the rest of your cheese to top it off

Bake for 1 hour- let stand for 5 minutes to thicken.

It might be a bit soupy, but it's DELICIOUS. And one of the best cooks I've ever known told me that if it's soupy, that's how you know it's home made. So....yeah!!!

Now scroll down and enter to win today's ring!!!
ABOUT size 7 1/2, silver wire and amber bead.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Brae-chan, how do I enter the giveaway? What do I click or post or what?

  2. Angie? Is that you? YOu're the only one that calls me Brae-chan....

    You have to wait until Midnight EST. - in about 10 minutes, the rafflecopter will be live and active. You'll see a list of green buttons, you click on them to follow directions. Each one is worth points.

  3. Yes, mine Braeleigh-taijo-chan of awesome, it is me. :) That would explain the issue I was having. ;)

  4. Wow! What a great recipe! Sadly my poor husband and kids were have problems with that much dairy--silly allergies and lactose intolerance; but I tell you what, that definitely looks delicious! My family ruins my chance at ever knowing what this tastes like. Enjoy it for me!!

  5. I make a no boil lasagna too mine isn't as soupy as yours but the spinach looks wonderful, I think the difference for me is I use cottage and ricotta cheese and I do mix them in with most of the mozzarella and I add an egg, maybe if you add an egg to your cottage cheese it won't be so wet. Mine is a bit runny too though ahaha I think that they all do that until the next day when they have some time to set up a bit . I am going to add spinach the next time though it looks fabulous!
    Nea Alexander

  6. I posed the giveaway on Mojo Savings facebook page hope that is what you asked for. Hoping I might win. Thanks

  7. Hello, Thanks for the great giveaway and I am GlendaC2011 or Mommies Point of View on Facebook as it would not allow me to enter my info.

  8. Spinach is so good for the kids - it's a great addition. Hopping over. Nina

  9. My lasagna is always soupy!! It's looks just like that! i always wondered if i was using too much sauce, but no matter how much i use or don't use it always comes out the same. My family makes jokes about the lasagna soup...but it always tastes good. :)

  10. Looks good.

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