Thursday, February 16, 2012

Foodie Friday!!!

Foodie Friday!
Cheesy Christmas Trees

Okay- I had requests for main courses, and "easy, fast" main courses. This is a problem for me, because if I'm making an easy or fast or....well, ANY main course, the recipe would be "Take tortilla, grate cheese, fold in half, heat for 30 sec. in microwave." Or "Put prepackaged ham and prepackaged rolls on pans, heat in oven and cook microwave birdseye veggies in microwave." THAT is how we roll around I just don't HAVE any easy \, fast main course  recipes. BUT, for the love of all my readers, I will work on finding some, and get back to you in Foodie Fridays to come!

I DID also get a request for an appetizer. 

Cheesy Christmas Trees

Now, this IS a "Christmas" recipe...but ONLY because it's from a Christmas recipe book. You don't have to make your toasts in the shape of trees. Instead, you could do any shape you can find a cookie cutter for, or, like my sister in law used to do when she lived with me, just make it on regular baguette bread, sliced, as a midnight snack while we watched movies late on the weekends. So, don't be fooled by the title!


 1/2 cup mayonnaise (The REAL kind. NO MIRACLE WHIP! EW!!!) 
1 tbsp dry ranch style salad dressing mix
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
12 slices firm white bread (This also works on sourdough, baguette, rye, and the best of all: PUMPERNICKEL - though, pumpernickel isn't terribly firm, just slice it thin)
1/4 cup red bell pepper strips (or diced)
1/4 cup green bell pepper strips (we usually use orange bell peppers instead. Or yellow. They are both TONS more delicious than green ones- which are only used in this recipe because of the festive color.)

1. Preheat broiler (We used our toaster oven.) Combine mayonnaise and salad dressing mix in medium bowl. Add cheeses; mix well

2. Cut bread into slices (or shapes if you're doing that.) Spread each slice with about 1 tablespoon mayo mixture. Adorn with bell peppers and  place on baking sheet.

3. Broil 4 inches from heat 2 to 3 minutes or until bubbling, serve warm.


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  1. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  2. Oh many his sounds DELICIOUS. I am going to try this sometime soon.

  3. Yum yum! thank you for hosting the linky!

  4. Sounds wonderful!! I've also included "Foodie Friday" and linked. Thanks! :)


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