Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lovable Labels Review and Giveaway!!

Lovable Labels Review and Giveaway!
By Brae at 
I am NOT a VOLCANO (and other such stories)

Okay, so, I'm a sharpie mom. Yeah. One of those. I have 4 kids, and, to avoid as much conflict as possible, whenever one kid gets something, the others get it too- you know, the same box of 120 crayons. The same package of pipsqueak markers, you get my drift. I write names on everything. 

And guess what...it ALWAYS rubs off eventually- even the sharpie. 

Imagine my delight when I was approached about a new product. A label. A label that promises to be durable, waterproof" and to "withstand [my] dishwasher, microwave, washer, dryer, and - the greatest test of all- [my] child."

Indeed, this is what was promised. And I lapped it up like a kitten with a bowl of cream. Yes I did. Eagerly, I visited their website, and chose my little icon for my stickers, and awaited my wonderful labels. 

Several days ago, I received them. 

I'm going to spare you the wait, and I am going to just jump in and say that I absolutely LOVE them. 

I have not yet tried them in the washer and dryer, but I DID put a cute little sticker on one of my casserole dishes (one I often take to parties and get togethers)- and I washed it in my DISHWASHER!!!! This is what it looked like after: 

Good as new!!

I was also given a package of stickers for a friend- I chose my mom, and I got her stickers with her name on it with a little star decal because she runs a preschool called "I'm A Star Preschool". I asked her what she thought of it, and she told me that she thought they were such a great idea! She says it looks very professional on the inside of her little books she sends home with the kids. In the past, she has written her name in the books, or she has used a stamp. She says that with these stickers, it gives a very professional look, but gives it a personal flair. 

Honestly, though, I made a mistake. I only wish that, when filling out my form to receive my stickers, I had gotten my kids' names or something of the like. Now I have a whole bunch of stickers with my name on them, and only 3 casserole dishes! Oh well, I'm 100% sure that, with this amazing product, I'll find some way to put each and every one of them to good use!!! 

BUT WAIT! That's not all!

Lovable Labels offers MORE than just sticker labels! Please visit their website to browse through creative and cute shoe labels, clothing "Dots", bag tags, household labels, stationary, medical and vital ID wristbands, and even fundraising possibilities for your school or organization! 

Everything on their site is wonderful, and worth the look. 

Now, for the best part!!! Lovable Labels has generously supplied a "Friendship Pack" for one lucky winner! THANK YOU LOVABLE LABELS!!! Enter between now and February 1st! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. great blog. your kids are adorable.

  2. Hi Brae,

    Wow I just love your candid detailed review of our Friendship packs not to mention the pictures look great! I'm so glad you love them and that you were honest! Thank you again.

  3. my favorite is the Press n' Stick Clothing DOTS

  4. awesome blog. I am following and added your button to my blog.

  5. Hi! I'm following via gfc and would love for you to stop by and say Hi on my blog!

  6. I love the stationary!!

    Maggie True Armstrong


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