Thursday, January 5, 2012

Friday Flash Giveaways!!!

Don't forget!!!! Scroll down to the bottom to enter to win Friday's Flash Giveaway- a jackpot of prizes from our wonderful sponsors (listed below!!) 


Versatile (Vegetarian) Enchiladas!

 I prefer the brand Don Juilo, the smaller size because it's the softest brand, and the big ones take up too much space so you can't make as many enchiladas per batch, though, I suppose if you're cooking for fewer people, you could stuff them really full and make big ol' honkin' enchiladas that would be just delectable. 

Generally speaking, I use Medium cheddar, but I have also used Colby Jack, Pepper Jack (i suggest this as a used-sparingly addition to the cheddar. It can get overwhelming) and even Mozzarella once when I was out of all other cheeses. But you know you can't go wrong with a good cheddar. 

1 Tomato

Green Onions: 
Can also use white, but green are my fave. 

Sour Cream

1/2 Head of Lettuce

Rosarita Enchilada SAUCE: 
There is a saying that goes "the secret is in the sauce"- this is ABSOLUTELY true. I have made enchiladas with a different sauce and it's NEVER as good. Also, I used to work at a doctors office with the most WONDERFUL little Mexican grandma girl who raved about this sauce. She was a SPECTACULAR cook! If it's good enough for her, it's good enough for me! You HAVE to have this sauce, and NONE else. It isn't available everywhere, but I have lived in 4 states on the opposite ends of the country and it's ALWAYS at Wal*Mart, and Smith's/Kroger. It also only comes in "mild" but has enough flavor that it doesn't need heat. 

Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees.

Chop onions, dice tomatoes

Shred the cheese!
My kids don't like tomatoes or onions, so I make a row of just cheese for them. And then, I load them up with tomatoes and onions!! (And see below for more ideas for what else you can put in these enchiladas!)

Cover EVERY SINGLE INCH  of your enchiladas in the sauce.

Cover with Cheese/onions
Bake for 30 minutes.
Shred the lettuce
If you have any tortilla chips, they are excellent for scooping up extra sauce. Yummo!
My pretty, set table.
When the enchiladas are done, top with lettuce and sour cream, garnish with tortilla chips, and viola! You have a DELICIOUS meal that will be a hit with even your kids!!

Has Teague's seal of approval!

This is one o f my kids' most favorite meals. My 5 year old son, who won't eat, like, ANYTHING, even eats this!!!  I would LOVE for you to try it, and let me know how you like it!

~Chicken- shredded/grilled (Remember to cook it FIRST)
~Beef (Leftover roast would be great! Cook it first!) 
~ Avocados (Or, put a scoop of guacamole on top with your sour cream!) 
~Bell peppers (I would think they'd add flavor and crunch, though sauteing them might be good too)
~Other spices. I'm not sure what, maybe some cayenne pepper? mmmm.

(Keep scrolling for the giveaway rafflecopter!) 

Welcome! This week, I let the bloggers choose the social media they all want you guys to follow! There will be A LOT more prizes this week, than all the other weeks! WOOHOO! All Prizes still goes to ONE winner!

...And our Sponsors:

Whole Lotta Mama
Christina Serrano Avon
The Mommyhood Chronicles
Africa's Blog
Mom Blog Society
Mom Does Reviews
Emptynester Savings
Detroit Mom & Her views
Queens NYC Mom
Yummy Boy Mummy
Crazy for a Deal
The Mommy Bunch
Making Time for Mommy
Insights by April
Just Bobbin Along

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Hi! These look yummy! And true, son approved! :) He sure is loving them! :)
    I'm visiting from the hop. :) I'm your new follower. I look forward reading more of your posts. I would love to hear from you too. Find me in GFC, G+, FB, and more. :)

    Best Regards!
    Des of

  2. I know what I'm making for dinner. My hubby is Mexican, so we often have authentic food, BUT I don't know how to cook any (besides tacos).

  3. This looks so good! Thinking I know what we are having for dinner very soon! Thank you for sharing!!

  4. This really looks good! Thanks for sharing!!


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