Sunday, January 22, 2012

Book Bonanza Giveaway!!!

$15 Target Gift Card & Fitness Book: 

Book Bonanza 

Review & Giveaway EVENT!

Sponsored by MamaLuvsBooks
(Picture from  

Book Review By MamaLuvsBooks: 
Weight issues have always been a problem in my family. We try and stay healthy and we've even had our own "Biggest Loser" family contests. For some reason though we always yo-yo back-and-forth with our weights. In the past I lost weight with Weight Watchers and was even a leader for a few years, but after having two kids I need to lose a few and get more fit. What I liked about reading "Fit Moms for Life" is that it is a "life goal." It's not just about losing a few pounds now, but more about caring about yourself as an individual and caring about your long-term health. 

Author Dustin Maher breaks down weight-loss into "5 Pillars of Fitness!" The book is centered around these ideas and he helps explain them to you and have you put them into practice in your everyday life. The pillars are: Mindset, Nutrition, Strength Training, Burst Training, and Environment. I was glad to learn that I didn't need to be running all the time and training for a marathon to lose weight!

My favorite things about this book are that it is easy to read, Maher seems to be speaking to YOU the reader, it gives advice that is doable, and the book has MANY stories and pictures from moms that HAVE already done it and continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Also, there are sections at the end to write up your progress!

I would recommend this book for any mom trying to lose weight and trying to be healthy. A healthier mom leads to a healthier family! You can see more about the program and the book at

(Pic from FitMomsForLife)


1.  Although it is titled "For Moms" it can really be for ANYONE!
2.  Has relevant real-life stories throughout the book you can relate to.
3.  Gives useful and practical information for busy Moms!
4.  Breaks down the steps into "Five Pillars of Fitness!"

5.  Helps to set your goals for "Life" - not just for "Let me lose 20 pounds right now!"
6. LOVE the eating habits tips and the "Dirty Dozen" and "The Clean 15" to help you when shopping for organic foods.
7. LOVE the recipes included and meal plans (and healthy snacks section).
8. The exercises are explained well and have pictures to go with them.
9. A section in the back for "New Moms" and "Moms-to-Be!"
10. Lastly, I like the section in the back to record your goals, data, and progress!

(Pic from

Here's how to get a copy:
WIN this awesome book in my Book Bonanza giveaway! The author, Dustin Maher, will send you a signed copy of this book. The more you do on the Rafflecopter the more chances you will have to win! Good Luck!!! Don't forget you can also purchase this wonderful book at

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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1 comment:

  1. My first thought was, "WOW, she gave birth for FOUR WEEKS!" I actually kind of like the pregger foto more, but I digress...I LOVE your new header...whatever it's called. It's Awesome.
    -Andrea from


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