Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wordy Wednesday! FIVE I Caught Santa Photo Giveaways!!!!


I have in my possession, FIVE codes for a FREE custom photo of Santa in YOUR living room!!!!!

This is the most adorable thing ever! It's easy, it's fun, and it's super cute! 

 I'm a careful mommy when it comes to Santa. In our house, Santa is a MUST! We love him, and we love his portion of the spirit of Christmas!!!! I recently read the blog post of a fellow mom blogger, and I had to crack up because her 7 year old asked if Santa is real. Her reply was: "How about I tell you where babies come from?" HILARIOUS!!!! Now, I have a 6 year old of my OWN who is more observant than is good for her. And I don't believe I have many years of this magical  game left in her. When presented with this giveaway opportunity, I jumped at the chance to trick my kids into a couple more years of belief! 

And it was worth it- look at this DARLING picture I made by uploading a holiday photo of MY LIVING ROOM, and adding one of 20  different Santa poses! 

I really loved this Santa- even though there are many other cute ones, because I loved the idea of leaving it with a note for my kids that he was so tired, he just HAD to take a snooze before leaving presents beneath our tree- and what'd you know?! One of his elves snapped a quick picture! 

Also on www.icaughtsanta.com, you can order YOUR photo to pick up or mail to you from your favorite developing company- including Snapfish, Walgreens, and many others, for a VERY small price! OR, you can print your own picture. After that, watch a video of Santa Claus dancing around YOUR LIVING ROOM!

This is such a darling gift, and is the CUTEST thing to give a child that might be questioning the truth of the Guy in Red this year!!!!

Please enter via the rafflecopter below- and HURRY, because this giveaway ends Friday so that you have time to order and receive your photo by Christmas!!!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. I think the one where he is reading the list. Also like the one in front of the fireplace opening.
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  2. Girl I know all about those questions. My son is seven today. He's not so much questioning if Santa is real but he wants to know the who what when where and how! Found you on WW via MBS. I think I'm already following but I'll check ;-)

  3. I love Santa pose #7. New follower here! www.differentkindsofcurls.blogspot.com

  4. I love the living room shot with him on the couch! The note is the perfect touch! You have to let us know what you're kids think!


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