Friday, December 30, 2011

"Twinkle, Twinkle, Shooting Star" cookies, Foodie Friday!

Don't forget to check the side bar for all the giveaways going on right now! 


This is a recipe that my kids like to tall "Twinkle, Twinkle, Shooting Star Cookies"- yeah, it's quite a mouthful, but I think, if we could taste a star, this is how it would be! 

1 cup (2 sticks) Butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp molasses
1tsp vanilla
2 eggs
4 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 bag of mixed flavored jolly rancher hard candies (My kids prefer sour!) 

1. Preheat oven to 355 degrees- if you need to, grease or line cookie sheets. 

2. In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugars until fluffy, add molasses and vanilla extract. Add egg and mix until smooth.

3. Sift together flour, salt, and baking powder. Fold dry ingredients in and use electric mixer to blend until flour is incorporated. Divide the dough in half and flatten into disks- wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate at leas an hour - or you can leave them in the fridge for up to 2 days, if you're planning ahead for something!

4. Unwrap and separate the candies into ziploc bags by color. Use a hammer to smash into bits- the smaller the bits, the better it works. I like to make mine powdery fine. 

5. Roll out dough, and cut out shapes. We like to use stars, of course, because of the name we gave them (Really, it all started because the first time i did this, the only cutters i had were star shaped!) 

6. Use a small spoon to sprinkle the candy powder onto the cookies. You can mix and match colors and flavors- it's really fun! The more you put on, the more flavor there will be, but be careful not to spill too much on the pan. It makes the pan really sticky and gooey and that makes it hard to get the cookies off when you're done. 

7. Bake at 355 degrees for about 6-7 minutes. They won't LOOK done, but they are, and if you leave them in much longer, it'll burn the hard candy, and then it's not very good. 

The flavor of these cookies is delicious and savory! You won't be disappointed!

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  1. I will have to try these cookies!

  2. What a great idea for the candies!

    I'm a new networked blogger follower.


  3. I had a friend long ago that made a simlar cookie and I had forgotten all about them! These are great!

  4. Trying to be your Facebook Fan but the button didn't work for me! Email me with the link if you have a moment!

  5. Happy new year. I am following from the FNF bloghop.

  6. following you from Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop! would love if you followed back

  7. omgoodness, these look yummy! I'm not a huge fan of jolly ranchers, but I think I would actually try this one out!


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