Friday, December 16, 2011

Crafty-Pants-Saturdays! How to Make Stained Glass Stars Out of Old Crayons

Crafty-Pants Saturday
How To Make Stained Glass Shapes Out of Old Crayons

What you need: 

1. Old/broken crayons, paperless
2. Cheese Grater
3. Wax Paper
4. Old Towel
5. An Iron

CRAYONS!!!!- you see how they're all old and used up and/or broken? THIS is the perfect type of crayon for this project. (I have a hard time getting rid of them. I know- serious hoarder potential, but I just always feel like this could be upcycled!)

You 're going to want a cheese grater that you don't mind being ruined. Personally, I have one I just use specifically for shredding up crayons, and don't use for food. I prefer small grates, rather than large ones. It just works better.

 A little goes a long way! I grate the crayons onto a plate, but then, to keep the colors separate, I like to put them into an egg carton- and the kids have an easy time using little spoons to put the colors on their wax paper.
 Use a piece of wax paper DOUBLE THE SIZE you want your whole artwork to be- then fold it in half. ONLY put crayon shavings on one side of the paper.

 Before I iron it, I like to use GLITTER!!!! And so do the kids. I mean, really, who doesn't love glitter?!

 Scarlet and Mahone with their already ironed papers.

 Lilly, cutting out her stars.

When you have spread all the lovely colors across your one side of the wax paper, and you are ready to iron, carefully fold the other half of the wax paper over onto the top of the crayon-strewn surface (you should now have crayon shavings BETWEEN TWO PIECES OF WAX PAPER- this is important, or you'll destroy your iron.) Place the old dish towel on top of your ironing board, and the iron-ready wax paper on top of the old towel.

****When you are ironing, use the HIGHEST SETTING on your iron that DOES NOT USE STEAM. (steam won't hurt it, but it makes a mess!)*****

 Pretty cool, huh? Neat patterns it makes.

 This time, we made stars to go on our Christmas tree. But, obviously, you can cut out whatever shapes you want!
 These are the papers held up to the light. AWESOME!

 See the glitter?

Try it! You'll have a blast! 

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  1. So I may be a total loser, but I don't understand how you get from shavings to melted awesomeness. Can you be more specific on how you iron them?

  2. I've got a whole box of dead crayons just waiting for melting. We used to melt them in muffin tins and make coloring wedges out of them. I'd forgotten about the stars....Now If I could just find some kids. (Mine think they're too old for this.) Phooey!

  3. I've got a whole box of dead crayons just waiting for melting. We used to melt them in muffin tins and make coloring wedges out of them. I'd forgotten about the stars....Now If I could just find some kids. (Mine think they're too old for this.) Phooey!

  4. Hi! Found your blog on another blog roll. I enjoy your style of writing. I think you wrote the SAHM part in the volcano explanation about me! I'm not a big fan of mediocrity either. Thankfully I have finally realized that perfection will only be attained after I have died. And I'm okay with that :) I'm a new follower. Check out my blog

  5. Not just a fun project for kids, I am inspired by this too!

  6. What a great idea, thank you for sharing!


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