Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Beholders: Insight GIVEAWAY!!!

It's HERE! My very first giveaway that is not entirely funded by ME! The author of this excellent book is a friend of mine and has graciously donated a copy of the first book in a series of four, JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!!! 

Please scroll down to see a synopsis of the story, and to enter the contest via rafflecopter! Remember to come back every day, because the twitter entries can be made daily!

By Terron James

Giveaway- Starts at Midnight Est. Time on Wednesday, December 7th, ends on Wednesday, December 14th

Synopsis: Rumors are surging through Appernysia that a Beholder has been born, the first wielder of True Sight in over a millennium.

Seventeen-year-old Lon Marcs discovers he has been blessed—or cursed—with this gift. He cannot control the power of True Sight and feels it killing him with each passing day. After months of desperate attempts to survive, Lon’s situation becomes more hopeless. He realizes that the only people who might possess the knowledge to save his life are the sworn enemies of his king. To obtain their help, Lon would have to leave behind his family and beloved Kaylen.

Although this is the hardest decision Lon has ever made, it is only the first of many that will test his strength and challenge his interpretation of right and wrong.


This is the first of 4 books in the Beholders series.

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  1. Congrats on your first give away!!! I just love books!

  2. Following LadyM on GFC as Celebrate Woman. You do not have extra space in the Rafflecopter itself to fill in my GFC name as proof that I Follow.

    Also, please check some of the Facebook links. They do not work.

    It would be nice to have active links within Rafflecopter itself, so that we can click and do each task fast without extra copying and pasting.

    Would love to help if you need help with Rafflecopter.

    Thank you for this giveaway!

  3. Congrats on your first non self funded giveaway! One of these days I am thinking of trying to hold giveaways. Best wishes to you!

  4. Congratulations on your fist official giveaway!! How exciting! The story sounds really good. I entered so wish me luck!! Take care!!

  5. I'm not entering :). I found you from the crazed weekend fan hop, and I just wanted to say that I jumped right to your link because your blog is called "I am NOT a Volcano". I go around all the time saying "Sorry kids, you got Volcano Mommy", so I knew I would enjoy your blog!


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