Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankfulness Project, Day 23, Wordless Wednesday

Thankfulness Project, Day 23

November 23, 2011, Wednesday

I am thankful for friends I've made who I now consider family. For people, other than my biological family, who matter, who will always be there, and HAVE been there, through thick and thin, through fights and tears, late night movies that had us sobbing in each other's arms, laughing so hard we couldn't breathe, or hiding behind each other's hands. Through loss and gain and to offer support whenever it's needed. I hope I can measure up and always be as good a friend as they are to me.


Wordless Wednesday

Don't deny it. I have GORGEOUS kids.


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  1. Your kids are gorgeous! Those pictures are incredible! :)

    Found you on the blog hop! I'm your newest follower! I hope you'll check me out! :)


  2. Yes, you do have gorgeous kids!! I'm following you from the hop! Oh, and I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Yes, I have to admit your kids are cute. LOL


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