Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankfulness Project, Day 11

Thankfulness Project, Day 11

November 11, 2011, Friday

I am thankful for color. For rich greens and browns, bright reds and fuschias, blues and happy yellows. I love deep burnt oranges and splashes of color everywhere. I love that Crayola has colors called "Macaroni and cheese" and "Purple mountain Majesty", "Atomic Tangerine," "Manatee" and, an oldie but goodie, Chartreuce. They say that white is a good color for depression, because it reflects light, and that it makes rooms feel larger and open and fresh. I prefer color. Color makes ME happy.

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  1. Yes! Color is something we take for granted isn't it? I love that you are thankful for this. We are so lucky to not live in a black and white world!

  2. stumbled your post!
    Pam from MBS.
    Don't forget to link up with the iPad2'll get lots of traffic to your blog!

  3. I always find more stuff for the kids after we're done shopping too. I love giving gifts more than receiving them, always have. The first Christmas where I had a job I went crazy with gifts. :)

    Also, stumbled this post. :)


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