Thursday, November 3, 2011

Friday Photos, Thankfulness day 4

Thankfulness, day 4
November 4th, Friday.

I am thankful, today, for 20 minute cat naps that refresh me when I've stayed up too late, and for my little Scarlet who doesn't mind if I snooze while she watches The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That after lunch and while Teague sleeps.

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  1. I love the wonderful colors in the second photo. Wonderful edits.

  2. PAF - wonderful texture work, especially in the fall colors of the children playing. Nice.

  3. I love a third photos. Wonderful look and colors. Well done! :)

  4. Love your images and your blog.
    Blessings from down under!

  5. Hi. Are you following my site as I was about to announce you for the prize but saw you might have changed your mind. Let me know thanks: )

  6. Love the color and processing of these images!

  7. Hiya I am now following you back. I absolutely love your blog background colours.

    Second photo is my fav.

    Kevin from Linkies Contest Linkies

    Off too Alexa I go :) Have a great weekend.

  8. You've given these a wonderful vintage feel! Thanks for sharing with Photo Art Friday.

  9. Very nice work with these photo. I love the "vintage" feel. Also enjoy your blog a lot.


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