Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday -- Textures


Also, check out some of my new creations:

Like what you see? Order YOUR coat or pullover for winter now! Visit http://www.thegleemansbaby.etsy.com

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  1. I love the pink and burgandy sweater just gorgeous!! Really beautiful pictures too! Thanks for some lovely eye candy!!

  2. Twice in one day....imagine....come link up!

    Great creations BTW!

  3. I love the pix! The subjects are too cute! I posted your button on my blog, come grab mine! I am blog hopping & following you from “the perfect line.” Pls follow back. Growing Old With Grace http://growing-old-with-grace.blogspot.com/

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I came over and am already following you thru GFC. So we are good! Have a great week!


  5. What a great blog!! This is my first visit here. Saw your comment and blog title on Cranky Old Man and it sounded good. And anyone who likes Cranky Man probably has my sense of humor and similar view of the world :-) Anyhow, I stopped by at the right time to see your list of seven past posts. A good intro for sure!


Like what you see here? Please click the button on my sidebar to vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs! <3 Thanks!