Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Teague

I keep trying to edit his photos to be black and white, because I like that...but he has such gorgeous red hair and such pretty blue eyes...and the roses in his cheeks are just so scrumptious, I can't bring myself to do it.

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  1. He is quite gorgeous. All your children are. Don't ever let him color his hair! haha I've already told my oldest, Irelyn, that she is not allowed to color her red hair. Of course, she'll probably dye it pink the first chance she gets. :op

    You figured out how to fix the underlining!

  2. What a doll!! He looks like such a sweetie with just enough mischeif to make it fun!!! Thanks for sharing him with us!!

  3. Oh, love your music! Thanks for linking up.

    Greetings from Germany


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