Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (Bergan's Wedding)

Bergan's Bridals: (Well, some of them.)

Now, this Jeep is a very important little detail. It might seem a bit strange to do bridal pictures on a jeep...but it's not. It's actually quite darling.

One day, about a year and a half ago, Spencer woke up and decided he wanted a jeep. He never had before, he just decided he wanted one. So, he went looking. He looked at a few, and one of them happened to be in my mom's neighborhood. My mom's really good friend, Stephanie, was selling HER jeep. When Spencer saw it, it wasn't exactly what he wanted. It was a bit different and not what he expected...but he had the feeling that this was the jeep he needed to get. So he did. And Stephanie set him up with my sister.

Bergan and Spencer, while they are incredible together, are completely different. He's 4 years older than she is, and that scared her- she thought it was a huge difference. He thought she was 19 when they started dating, but she was still 18. And they never would have run into each other and they never would have met or gotten together had it not been for that jeep.

Now that they're married, they're selling it for something more practical. But it was an important part of their story. So, the pictures are sentimental.

On October 20th, 2011, Thursday, Bergan and Spencer were married in the Salt Lake Temple.
It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day, little crisp in the air, but warm enough for no sweaters, and the air was clear and the autumn colors were abundant.

Bergan with all the little girls.

Spencer is obviously very happy at this point- Bergan was posing for their photographer (on the right) and he was pulling faces at me.

Walking around down town to get wedding pictures in all the best places, we all got a bit starved, since the luncheon wasn't until 3pm. My dad bought us all rolls from the Lion House Pantry- they were delicious. The Lion House is where Brigham Young and his wives and children lived back in the late 1800's when Salt Lake City was just getting it's legs. Now, it's a historical building and there is a restaurant there where they bake and cook all kinds of old recipes. It's excellent. I highly recommend it.
One of the parks at which Bergan and Spencer did wedding photos.

The Reception!!!!

The wedding colors were lavender and green. On each table was a ceramic ghost pumpkin with purple leaves. They were all different shapes and sizes.

The wedding cake- I LOVE this. It was such a delicious cake, too- chocolate with mint filling! And I love the topper. It's SO them. Notice, also, the ever important Jeep! Hahahah!

These pompoms were hanging along the wall behind the "Candy Bar" or "Candy Buffet" in white, lime green and lavender and pink.
That's my sister in law, Shalynn, manning the Candy Bar. I'm not sure who the groomsmen were, because it seems I have cut off their faces. The bridesmaids wore purple asymmetrical flowy skirts and white shirts. The groomsmen wore the green vests and ties.
Just next to the Candy Bar ^^^^^ Fitting, no?

Party favors: A bag with their names and date on it- and they could choose their candies.

Dark chocolate kisses
Green apple flavored licorice.

Dutch mints in white, green and lavender.

Peanut M&M's in autumn colors

Green apple drops

Strawberry fluffy gummy things- we didn't know what they were called, but they were the yummiest things ever!

Green gummy bears.

Daddy Daughter Dance "I loved her first"

I believe this was a gift, because it wasn't there at the beginning, but it made me laugh. It was by the table where Bergan had scrap book pages for people to sign.
The Jeep- all decked out for the honeymoon!

Hope you didn't mind my super duper long Wordless (Wordy) Wednesday!!!
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  1. I love the corcs with the dress, lol. Also, I think the pics in the jeep are awesome! love it.

  2. I think the jeep is perfect for their pictures. It's different and has major sentimental value! Great pics! Just stopping in from MBS for Wordless Wednesdays

  3. I thinks those pink candies are a European or German candy. They have them everywhere over here. They are my hubby's new favorite candy.

    Beautiful pictures. I adore the cake. The whole thing is so inventive.


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