Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday, Bergan's Engagement Pictures

My sister and her soon-t0-be husband, Spencer, asked me to do their engagement pictures for them last month. Here are a couple of my faves.


  1. Those are SO good! I wish I had a "real" camera. I take all my pictures with my cell phone.

  2. Lovely, pictures! Congrats to the happy couple!

  3. I like the balloons! Way cute idea.

  4. You did a great job! They must love them. I like the black and white with the little bit of blue...so pretty! They look so in love!

  5. Wow. You are one talented photographer. I love the one with the Marry Me and Yes balloons. Made me smile.
    God bless

  6. Hi - just popped in to visit from vb. I love the pictures! Very cute. I especially like the ones with balloons. Balloons make everything more fun, don't they?

    Have a good day! :)

  7. Nice job! I love taking pics, too. :)I grabbed your button. I want to let you know that I am awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award. You can stop by www.athomelikeme.com to pick it up later tonight. :)

  8. Nice photo!! Also, I thought you mom's may be interested in the newest kids craze in my town, Patch Hats! Check out a hat you have never seen before here at www.patchhats.com


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