Sunday, October 30, 2011

Not Me Monday and Things That Must Go!

Not Me Monday
over at

You know how it works, friends! CONFESS!!!

I did NOT go to a Halloween party this Saturday without a costume...except for the small tag on my shirt that said "virgin". It was NOT the best costume there!

I did NOT eat around half a platter of almond thumbprint cookies that my sister in law made for said party. I probably did NOT gain like 8 pounds from them...and it was NOT worth it, they were so stinking delicious. These cookies are NOT the absolute BEST thing about the holiday season. She does NOT make them for everything, and I do NOT look forward to them like a kid giddy for presents!

Scarlet did NOT spill a little box of Nerds on my carpet...and I did NOT pick them all up and eat them. I know. Disgusting.

I did NOT make my husband change THREE really stinky diapers in a row yesterday.


Grab my button on the right sidebar here, and link up and give us your Things That Must Go!

1. My cellphone's short battery life.

2. Trick or Treaters at 3pm.

3. Formula. Ew. I'm tired of giving my son bottles. It'll be great when he doesn't need them anymore.

4. The guys doing "road work" that keep blocking off the road in my neighborhood. Then they look scandalized when people drive through it anyway. Newsflash: There's only ONE road in and out of the neighborhood- you can't block us in/out of it for a week (or more) straight. We can't walk EVERYWHERE and we have places to be.

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  1. Maybe I should stop making them if you are so upset by them. Or if you think I make them too much! Heheh.

  2. Thanks for following me, I am now following you. Loved the blog.

  3. I also just left you an Alexa review. Oh, by the way, do not be intimidated by coupons. It is easy and so much fun, once you get the basics down.

  4. they have trick or treaters at 3pm? I thought the standard time was 5pm-6pm? 3pm is early.

    Stopping by from the MBS Blog hop!

  5. Hello! I'm following from the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop - Week 30! I hope you have a fun and safe Halloween! I'm following through Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, etc. if applicable!
    It would be great if you followed me back!

    Much Love,


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