Saturday, October 1, 2011

31 Day Challenge: Elevator Pitch.

Just a heads up, everyone! I'll be participating in the 31 days to a better blog meme over at Mom Blog Society! Please come and join all of our challenges and activities over the next month! It's going to be great, improve our blogs, and be wonderful!

This doesn't mean ALL bets are off, but it DOES mean that I very well might skip some of the memes and activities I normally participate in in favor of the day's Challenge. Savvy?

What is an "Elevator Pitch"?

An "Elevator Pitch" is a concise, thoroughly planned, description of your blog that anyone should be able to understand in the time it would take to ride up an elevator. In other words, and elevator pitch is a way of summarizing your blog.

For example:

You find yourself in an are elevator with Oprah Winfrey, your blog is all about books. You have 60 seconds to summarize your blog, so that Oprah wants to advertise her book of the month club on your blog.


My blog is a collection of hilarious, real life stories that any mom can relate to. I strive to have my readers nodding, laughing and agreeing as they identify with my daily plights. I like to promote my home based business as well as participate in stimulating memes and writer's prompts. I love to share my hobbies and passions and ridiculous encounters.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of the challenge! Think I'll head over and check it out!


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