Monday, October 3, 2011

31 Day Challenge- 2 Bucket LIST (list post), Not Me Monday, and Bucket List

I did NOT let Scarlet run naked save for her purple "Fancy Nancy" panties all day yesterday because it was Sunday and we were staying home.

I did NOT have an allergic reaction to some medication LAST Sunday, and my right eye did not explode into a solid red mass due to burst blood vessels. The most disturbing part is that my BFF and I did NOT go get me all dolled up and then paint me with fake blood so we could take morbid "murder" pictures.


31 Day Challenge 3: Bucket List

1. Play Abbigail Williams in "The Crucible" on stage.
2. Live in Ireland.
3. Learn to speak Gaelic.
4. Visit nearly ALL of Europe.
5. See Big Ben
6. Take my kids to Disneyworld again.
7. Work at Disney- I'd rather be a princess, but by the time my children grow up and are old enough for me to put in the time, I'll probably more likely be one of the villainesses. That's okay.
8. Play opposite Brandon as Eliza Doolittle in "My Fair Lady"- he would be Higgins.
9. Own a theatre.
10. Buy my almost dream house and fix it up so that it IS my dream house.
11. One day, have everyone home for Christmas. There will be games, jigsaw puzzles and caroling. And LOTS AND LOTS OF PRESENTS!
12. Hike Machu Picchu.
13. Write a Fairy book. (For a sneak peek, visit )
14. Have my wings featured in Faerie magazine.
15. Sell one of my upcycled sweaters (see ) to a famous celebrity.
16. Be financially stable and out of debt.
17. Own that perfect pair of jeans and a gorgeous pair of worn in cowgirl boots- at the same time.
18. Star in an award winning dramatic film, independent or otherwise, and then disappear, leaving everyone wanting more, but hopefully admiring me for my priorities.
19. Make money for doing the hobbies I do anyway.
20. Get a Tattoo. Or 5. (I need to actually write a post about this one.)
21. Become a better that any professional can look at it and NOT offer advice.
22. Be exotically and eclectically beautiful as I age.
23. Grow my hair to my waist.
24. Put dreadlocks in my hair.
25. Own a cherry red 1969 Mustang. ~Cargasm~


  1. seriously would be my friend if we ever met in person. Morbid pictures? Fairies? Live in Ireland? Learn Gaelic? It's like you took a peek inside my head.

  2. Awesome list! :)
    Thanks for the follow.

  3. Thank you for being my #100th. I am now your 445th :)

    I am loving browsing through your blog. What a beautiful family you have...thank you for sharing :)


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