Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Me as Wendy in Peter Pan, the British musical.

Yeah...the pant suit jammies were not exactly flattering. Especially when I wore the sound pack on the side that made me look lumpy...but I had to fly, I climbed all over all kinds of contraptions and danced my tushie off. So a night gown wasn't all that good an idea for me. Funny thing- my "brothers" wore night gowns. But then, I flew 20 feet in the air. They flew about 4 feet in the air.


  1. Hi New GFC Follower. Please follow me back at http://jessycaspage.blogspot.com/
    Thanks have a great week.

  2. Oh wow! I would have never been able to fly 20 feet in the air!

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful time! 20 feet in the air? No thanks! Braver than me. I discovered you through VB, and I love your blog here. Take care!

  4. I love your colorful blog and I'm going to visit your etsy store! It looks like you all had a great time. I would have been so stage struck! Stopping by to say hi from vb and to follow your blog!

  5. This looks awesome! And your kids are beautiful! New follower from the Exposure 99 blog hop! Please follow back! Thanks! :)
    Through the Eyes of a Tiger

  6. Love it! Somehow we keep bumping into one another on VB. :) HOW do you keep 2 blogs going and raise 4 children?


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