Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mommier Than Thou Monday

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My children are great eaters. My son is a bit picky, but mostly he eats pretty well. And my girls will eat just about anything.

Actually, I have been to Lilly's school twice this year to have lunch with her. Both times, I have been shocked and pleasantly surprised. I don't remember what we had the first time, except that I know she chose a whole bunch of cucumbers and ate them all. The second time, we had chef salad, peas, peaches, a roll, milk, and pumpkin spice cake with our choice of 2% white milk, chocolate milk, or strawberry milk.

First, Lilly chose the white milk, took her little cup of peas, peaches, roll, and her salad and went to the table. I, of course, drenched my salad in ranch dressing, skipped the peas, and grabbed chocolate milk while swiping the biggest piece of cake I could find. (I'm pregnant. Don't judge me.)

At the table, i tried to switch my cake with Lilly's, because mine was bigger and I was trying to be that good mommy who gave my girl the best one. Lilly caught me though, and insisted that she keep her own- apparently orange sprinkles are more appetizing than yellow ones.

From there, I watched in awe as she ate her entire chef salad without a drop of ranch dressing, ate the peaches, and drank their juice, scarfed down the peas, nibbled her roll, and then, ate a grand total of 2 bites of her pumpkin spice cake (which I gladly finished for her) before she gulped down her plain white milk and jumped up to show me where to put our trays.

Furthermore, I was completely impressed with the way she helped wipe down the tables, sweep the floors under the tables, and then mop up any spills. They ALL did! All the 5 year olds in her class did it!!!

Well, I guess I'm doing something right by making my children clean up their own dishes, and eat what we're having at dinner without the option of a different dinner.

And that's why I'm MOMMIER-THAN-THOU!!!


Once again, friends- link up! I wanna know why you're such a wonderful mom!!!

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