Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

These are the wings I made for the hair show. I am pretty disappointed though, because they told me that they were going to do this big old photo shoot and take tons of pictures, but they only took these 2. So, that's all I can show you of my epic wings. She still looks pretty good though, don't you think?


  1. Maybe you could contact the photographer... or the hair show people. They probably have more that they didn't publish. ps awesome wings! pps... I am soooo with you about the whole half full or empty all depending on which way the water is flowing. Great minds think alike:)

  2. Awesome wings! My WW is up at http://dianarambles.com. I also have 3 great giveaways listed at the top of my sidebar!

  3. Those wings look awesome! Very cool.

  4. WOW!!! You MUST enter our costume contest!!!

  5. I think you did a great job on the wings. I wish they would have got a picture from the back so we could get a better view.

  6. Im your newest follower from MBC.. If you get a chance to come by and follow me back id love that ( :



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