Sunday, November 28, 2010


Link up, friends, by linking your blog to the linky below, add my Mommier-Than-Thou Monday button to your post so your readers can come here and link up too, and let us know why YOU are such an excellent mommy!!!!!


Two weeks ago, I took all three of my children to the dentist for the first time in their lives. Scarlet's mouth was too little for x-rays, but Lilly and Mahone got them done. They all sat there happily while they had their teeth counted, cleaned, and had a tray full of strawberry flavored fluoride shoved into their mouth, and then selected very precisely the prizes they were so dearly entitled to.

Not a one of them had a single cavity!!!!

Well, I should say not, since I spend so much painstaking time brushing and flossing their teeth morning and night!!!

And THAT is why I'm such a good mommy!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brae! >waves wildly<

    Love the new meme. I'm happy to play along. PS My kids had no cavities, too!


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