Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

A gorgeous florescent tree outside my Lilly's school.

These bushes are hideous for the whole rest of the year. But for a few precious months, they turn a startling and beautiful candy colored pink.

This is a kind of vine found ALL OVER my town's fences and it happened to climb an evergreen tree. It looks awesome.


  1. I just love all of the colors.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Love these photos!!! And the witchy hats are awesome!! Happy fall and happy halloween!!! xoxoxox

  3. I love the fall, it's my favourite! lol
    thanks for popping over to momvstheboys, I'm following you back. A boy really is noise with dirt on it! a perfect quote for a boy's room!

  4. Beautiful FALL Pics! Fall is my favorite time of year... new follower hear from Bloggy Moms. Stop Bizee Mama's Secrets and say Hi! :]

    aka Bizee Mama

  5. Love the bushes in the second photo! We have some burning bushes that look like that right about now but are boring all year long.

  6. love your blog! look forward to reading more stories. thanks for visiting my and being a follower. i just became your newest follower. ;)

  7. Thank you for dropping by my blog! I have to tell you - I REALLY enjoyed the pictures you've displayed here. I love fall simply because it's as if nature is giving us one last colorful display before hibernating for the winter. Sometimes it truly is awe inspiring.


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