Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: The Farm and the Corn Maze.

As always, please head over to
to link up your photos!!!
Local honey. Always soooo delicious!

Corn Cob Guns. I bet you can guess how happy Mahone was?

Me (all fat from this baby belly, and with my awful haircut), and my cousins Beth and David.

A CORN box! It's like a sand box...but better!

The corn maze

Notice Scarlet's naked baby doll on the swing.


  1. looks like the family had tons of fun, I plan on taking my daughter to the farm in just a few weeks for her 1st birthday. I love that corn box, I cant wait to get in!

    your newest bloggy mom follower,

  2. that corn box is a great idea i really like that!

  3. How fun! Thanks for stopping by REmember Ember! Don't forget to add your blog to my "Blogger buddies" page! I'm now a follower! =)


  4. Beautiful pictures. This post made me tear up. Btw, you look great! I'm not just saying that. :) Your kids are adorable!


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