Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is my second giveaway on this blog, and I am so infinitely excited about them!
As a matter of fact, I love these wings so much, I second guessed the whole thing because they very well may be my favorite wings to date- and I have made a LOT of wings!!!
Here: Take a peak at the lovely things that YOU or your daughter could be wearing soon!
(Orange butterfly is removable)

See the iridescence?

Curious how to enter?

Well, I'm going to give you A LOT of chances to win this pair of my FAVORITE wings!!!

Contest dates: TODAY, September 30 - Thursday, October 7th

***VERY IMPORTANT: If you qualify for ANY of these entries, I need you to COMMENT and tell me ALL of the things you have done to earn entries. For example, if you grab my button or blog about my giveaway, I might not know unless you tell me!!!*****

1. YOU MUST BE A U.S. RESIDENT! (I am SO SORRY! It just costs a LOT of money to send these out of the country!!!)

2. For a grand total of 3 ENTRIES, BLOG about my giveaway to get more traffic to this site!

3. 1 ENTRY- FOLLOW ME! And for an additional entry, if you hop on over to my OTHER blog (the one about fairies) at and FOLLOW ME THERE TOO!!!

4. 1 ENTRY- Grab my button!!! This counts for either THIS blog's button or the one on - and YES!!! If you grab both, you can get 2 ENTRIES!!!

5. 1 ENTRY- PLEASE click on the TOP MOMMY BLOGS button on the left side of my blog so as to vote for my blog- (after all, we know this is just a big popularity contest, right?? LOL- I'm kidding...sort of.)

6. 1 LAST ENTRY- Leave a comment on a DIFFERENT post of mine here, or at - once again, yes, doing it in both places earns you an extra entry!

As you can tell, not only is this giveaway something that I want to do because A-My wings are awesome and I want to share them with you (and possibly sell some- hint, hint: ) B- I LOVE MY READERS and it's such a wonderful way to say THANKS! C-Duh- to get more followers...

BUT...I'm trying to direct more traffic to my Fairy blog too.

Good luck with the contest friends!! You have a week!!!


  1. Does your out of country rule include me? My shipping cost is the same as shipping it to New York. That is in fact where my zip code is from. Let me know. I would love a pair for my daughter.

  2. I'm following both blogs. I should have been following the wings one already, 'cause I love them so much!

  3. Boy, my little girl would love these wings!!! I will even send pictures if I win!

  4. Lily would love these! I'm following both blogs on Google reader.

  5. Following - those wings are gorgeous. Do you have any pictures of the rings being worn?

  6. I blogged about your give away:
    and then I tweeted it, too!!
    I'm not kissing up...I just love all things faerie. :)
    You have a very cool talent.

  7. grabbed both buttons AND voted for you on the top mommy blogs...

  8. 1. I follow you here
    2. I follow your other blog (very cool idea BTW)
    3. I voted on Top Mommy Blogs
    4. I left a comment on the FGF post!

  9. 1. I follow you here.
    2. I follow you over there. And now my ovaries are twitching for another baby (girl) so I can buy those itty bitty wings! GORGEOUS!!
    3. I grabbed your button here.
    4. I grabbed your button over there.
    5. I voted on Top Mommy Blogs.
    6. I left a comment on your FGF/LOI post. :)

    Whew! I really want those wings for my little one!! :)

  10. i follow you both places gfc
    tocgbill at live dot com

    those wings are adorable

  11. I now follow you at both places.

    I voted for you (at least I think I did, I clicked on it twice, and clicked on the enter vote button). I hope I did that right.

    I added your button for this site to my blog.

    I am about to blog about your giveaway.

  12. I am following on GFC.

    d.hassman at gmail dot com

  13. Georgous Wings...

    I am following your blog via google friend connect!

  14. I am following your other blog as well via google friend connect.

  15. I added your button to my blog.

  16. I voted for your blog.

  17. Love these! My daughter is going to be a fairy for Halloween! These would be PERFECT!


Like what you see here? Please click the button on my sidebar to vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs! <3 Thanks!