Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday and You Know You're a Mom When

I'm not doing a photo today- but a video instead. Have fun.

You know you're a mom when.....
~You write a check to the ballet teacher in purple crayon because that's all you can find in your purse....
~When your "purse" is ACTUALLY a diaper bag.....
~Boogers don't gross you out....
~You can recite ANY Dr. Seuss book without reading the words.
~You are a stay at home mom, but on taxes, your husband lists your profession as BFP.


  1. I love your list! Especially the crayon....where do those pens wind up, anyway??

  2. Things like vomit, poop, diarrhea and toys in the toilet no longer scare you.


  3. Should I call you Harold? And if that doesn't make sense to you, then forget I said it ;)

  4. I like to claim the my diaper bag is actually a purse...a really, REALLY big purse. (They have cute, giant purses nowadays!)

    Cute list! (But boogers still gross me out. LOL)

    (And, Arizona Mamma, I lol'd at the Harold thing!)

    P.S.-Your header is too cute for words!


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