Sunday, August 8, 2010

Not Me Monday!

Mckmama- Not Me Monday

I have NOT been slacking off on housework and laundry lately and using morning sickness as an excuse when I really don't feel that yucky anymore.

I do NOT still get tired easily, though.

I am NOT in LOVE with Reese's Puffs cereal, and most certainly could NOT eat it for every meal.

I did NOT deny to my children that there were any snacks left in the backpack, and then excuse myself from sacrament meeting just so I could eat the last strawberry rice crispy treat in peace.

I am NOT starting to show my baby belly now.

It is NOT super adorable either! ~wink~



Coming this Thursday, we have a new saga to follow:
"Love Letters From Listeria"

Button soon to follow.


  1. lol.... too funny on the snacks!

    Congrats on your baby to be!

  2. hilarious! - the snack story is great!!! :D :D


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