Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday, and You know you're a mom when...

 BabyFruit Ticker

(How's THAT for wordless? BTW, this counter is permanantly available for study at the bottom of my blog.)


A NEW Meme I'm participating in because it's stinkin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
You know you're a mom when all your chapsticks have teeth marks in them
You know you're a mom when you get chocolates from your kids for Mother's day...and let them eat all the chocolates themselves.
You know you're a mom when you're about to get down and dirty with the hubster and you have to pause to remove an offending baby doll from between the sheets.


  1. LOL- yeah, those letters of intent really seem to work.

  2. That's awesome! I just added their "baby's the size of a..." widget to my blog. You are exactly two weeks behind me in your pregnancy :)

  3. Oh, it's been so wonderfully long since I'd teeth marks in my chapstick! lol

  4. Congrats!!! And LOL at the baby doll! So true!!

  5. Congrats! That's exciting news. I laughed out loud at the baby doll between the sheets. And the chapstick teeth marks...that's what my chapstick looks like!

  6. ALL of my chapstick looks like that! I can't keep a decent one to save my life.

    Congratulations to you! How exciting!!!!!

  7. Hilarious! Especially the baby doll. We have boys, so for us, it's a stuffed Mickey Mouse (& usually a handful or so of Cheerios...) :)

  8. Congrats on your poppyseed!! Swinging by from AZ Mamma's to say hello. You had me at teethmarks in all of the Chapstick ;)

  9. Congrats on the baby!
    And yea, the baby doll and the chapstick? So been there.
    But I horde all my chocolate.

  10. Great news bout your new little poppy seed!
    You're better than me! If I have chocolate, I'm hiding to eat it! I like it enough not to share!

  11. Awww congrats to you and the poppy seed. I don't think I have ever found a doll, but I wouldn't be surprised to find a car.


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