Sunday, April 11, 2010

Not Me Monday!

I did NOT get to leave my kids with my inlaws on Friday and Saturday night to stay in a hotel.
I did NOT sleep in.
I did NOT watch television all day.
I did NOT eat an entire plate of very delicious cheese ravioli in marinara sauce at Olive Garden.
I did NOT then proceed with my husband and some friends over to Ruby River and eat apple cobbler.
I did NOT crash at 9:30 on Saturday night because I was so exhaused from eating so much food.
I did NOT miss my kids so much this weekend that it almost made me cry.


  1. awww, I love time away from my kids but I do miss them dearly!

  2. Aww. it's always fun to get an evening (or two) away for the kids, if for nothing else but a breather :)

  3. I always miss my kids when they are gone for the weekend!

  4. Awwwww...that sounds like the perfect weekend to me. No matter how much fun you have and how much you need the break, you always miss them so much it hurts, right? XOXOXOX


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