Monday, April 19, 2010

Forgive me friends:

I've had a looooong couple of days. My brain is fried. I'm tired. I'm not writing much today.
So here's a question: Cats or dogs? Which is better? Why?

I prefer dogs.

1. Because I have the best dog there ever WAS, and

2. I have life threatening allergic reactions to cats. So, if I had one, I'd die.

3.Cats would eat their owners if the choice was that or starve while a dog would die with him/her.

4. Can you REALLY look at a cat, as they stare back with those unblinking eyes and honestly feel like they're NOT contemplating your murder? I think not.


  1. This cracks me up, I feel the same way. I use your #2 as an excuse to avoid touching or being around cats in anyway. Mine is not life threatening. #3: Watched a horror movie in elementary school depicting just such a scenario. That movie clenched it for me.

  2. Ha! Dogs all the way. My dogs are the best and I just can't see a cat giving me the companionship that my dogs do. Plus, cats poop in the house, it may be in a box, but still, that's gross.

  3. I love #3, just the reason I got a dog... so the chance that I would ever become a cat lady would be squelched immediately.

  4. Ok, so I guess I'm the fist kitty person to comment, haha. I've always had cats growing up and I love them. When I was in Jr High I had a kitty named Leo who would always be waiting for me when I got home from school. As soon as I got off the bus he would run to me and purr and give me loves.
    Cats can be loving and loyal....but I have to admit that dogs probably still win in both of those categories.

  5. Cats - they don't have to be let out to do their business!

  6. Cats are less work, dogs require as much attention as a child. It takes the right lifestyle to have a dog.

  7. #4 made me laugh so hard!! It reminded me of my mother in law's cat- who is the devil. And if you CAN look into his eyes without it attacking you, you really COULD see it planning out your murder.
    It's attacked almost every grandchild.
    And yet she still won't get rid of it.
    Which, if that cat could look into OUR eyes [meaning every single member of the family except my MIL], it would see US planning IT's murder.
    No really. We've all come up with a plan...

    Which only confirms what I have felt all my life: dogs are better....

  8. Cats. Dogs bark, drool some more than others, jump on people. Don't get me wrong, I have known some wonderful dogs. But the truth is, I would rather own a cat.

  9. Well, since I'm allergic to cats, I prefer dogs - but it has to be the RIGHT dog.

    Although some cats are really cute, and some of them are even sweet. If the allergies weren't an issue, I'd seriously consider getting a Ragdoll kitten - they're ADORABLE!

  10. I pretty much feel the same way.


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