Monday, April 26, 2010

Brag and blab

Well, not really- like I said, this week is going to be highly pressurized for me. LOL. I have a lot to do. BUT, I wanted to stop by here really quick and wish my lovely girl a happy birthday- so here's my brag and blab(Link up if you want)

Brag: It's my Lilly's birthday. LOVE HER!!! Happy birthday my darling girl! YOU are the one who first made me "mommy"

Oops- this one should have been first- but I"m too lazy to do any more cutting and pasting.

L to R
Grandmother, Me, Banba, Ammah and Grandma Chrissy.

Blab: While getting ready to make pink cupcakes for Lilly's birthday, I went to the cupboard and found that a FULL BOTTLE OF OIL had fallen on my floor, broken, and left a huge PUDDLE on the floor of my pantry. EW! It took me 2 hours to clean up! Gross! Thank goodness I don't have any matches. Even one unlit within 5 feet of my pantry would have started a major grease fire.


  1. Happy happy birthday, Miss Lilly!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to precious Lilly!

  3. Happy birthday. Beautiful baby pictures!

  4. Aww, Happy Birthday to your sweet Lilly!

  5. What a sweet sweet baby girl! Happy birthday to her.

    Ugh...sorry about the oil mess. Blah.


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