Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Scarlet and her tendancy to chew on all things crayola.

This was JUST today. And there were several crayons involved too, but those casualties were too gooey and disgusting to make it into a picture.


  1. Oh my gosh, what a cutie! Don't tell her, but I kind of like the marker look. It brings out the color of her eyes. A good choice! :)

  2. Love the pics! I know a lot of kids who love the taste of Crayolas...she's not alone!

  3. Oh man! Her tongue! I can't stop laughing right now!

  4. LOL Oh that look is all to familiar to me and why I can laugh about it. My 4 y.o. still chews on everything, although it's not so funny anymore.

    Happy WW!

    Visiting from 5 minutes for Mom

  5. LOL! That happened to us a couple of times, too! :)

  6. I have been known to scoop crayons bits out of my little ones mouths before! I always wonder when they get a taste of crayon why they chew on crayons AGAIN? Don't they taste bad? (I wouldn't know...)

  7. Oh My Goodness!! I couldn't decide where to look...her beautiful blue eyes or that crazy blue tongue.

  8. Oh my goodness! That is funny! I can't believe she went after that marker. LOl. BTW--I don't know how I missed your last post, but the Disney Princess one--wow. Can I say you echoed my thoughts exactly? Finally! I found myself nodding all the way through--exactly the same things I have thought. Yes, I let my kids watch the princess's over and over...so much better than an icky looking, make-up obsessed brat doll who dresses scandalously for kids!

    I even have the same issues that in all Disney movies, at least one parent is dead. And the ones who have two parents (rare) one gets killed off. Example: Tarzan. Had parents, but were killed. He was adopted, but the father figure dies.

    Other than that, I think the Disney Princesses are a great role model. Thanks for posting that!

    I have issues with the whole barbie doll controversy/comparison too. They're great dolls! Any toy you blow up life size isn't going to be accurate. We might as well get rid of My Little Ponies too because a life-sized blue and pink horse with hearts on the butt--isn't portrayed right.

    Thanks again! LOVED your post!

  9. WOW! She was MUCH more successful at preparing to try out for Blue Man Group than J...

    Then again, Daycare had time to "clean him up" before I saw him...


  10. omg! ha ha...yes, thankfully they're non-toxic! i bought my boys the markers that can only work on the special paper so they don't get colorful tongues like that =)

  11. Oh yuck!! I hate when they eat crayons. Whenever there is an unattended crayon in my house it winds up in one of my daughter's mouths. And then they drool all kinds of crazy colors and oh YUCK!! I cannot stand it.

  12. eating crayons is the worst. especially when it... um.... reappears a day or so later, if you catch my drift.

  13. I love the pictures of your daughter. I hate to tell you this but my daughter is now three and still chews everything. Not only that but she has strong teeth and an iron jaw too. I know not to let her near water bottles as she cracks through those in seconds. She has never chewed crayons amazingly however lately she has been getting a lot of pencils in birthday party and valentine gift bags and loves chewing those before I can grab them off her, so be warned and don't introduce them to your daughter or like me you will be worried about lead poisoning and splinters in her throat!

  14. Fabulous!

    Once I was bored and I wrote my daughter's name on her forehead! TG it's washable!

  15. LOL!!! I have one of those too! So gross, but so funny!

  16. thank goodness they don't use lead in pencils anymore. :)

  17. Hahaha!!! I have a picture that is so similar of one of my boys after sucking on a dark green marker.


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