Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just a few quick start-of-the-month things. No April Fools crap either.

1-For those of you looking for March's Book Review, scroll down to the next post.
2. It's a new month, and a new chance to try and keep a high spot on Top Mommy Blogs- please vote for me by clicking on the Top Mommy Blogs button on the top left sidebar.
3. Please visit to learn about my beautiful miracle daughter and help my family help the children of Primary Children's Hospital!!!
(sorry- had to get in all of my beginning-of-the-month plugs. Thought I'd make it rainbow colored so that it was a little more fun. How 'bout that, huh?!)
OH!!! One more thing- I'm going to be creating a new MEME!!!!! (Like, one you can actually link up with me! I promise to give everyone who participates lots of comments, so get ready for that. It will be announced as soon as I can find 3 minutes by myself so that I can make a button. ~wink~)


  1. mentioned April Fool's and then I quickly went to a website to find some jokes to play on my family. Haha. Can't wait to see what your meme is going to be.

  2. Ah, it's April Fool's Day, isn't it? lol

    Looking forward to your new meme, even if I can't participate. It is kind of hard to do many memes when you have a food blog. ;)

  3. Don't worry Michelle~ I spent a lot of time thinkig up something that EVERYONE can do! I think you'll be able to participate!


Like what you see here? Please click the button on my sidebar to vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs! <3 Thanks!