Friday, March 5, 2010

~Drumroll~ And the winner is.......


You have won a small pair of AUTHENTIC FAIRY WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!

I have your email address, so I will be contacting you shortly to find out what type of wings you would like! I'm so excited for you!

To everyone who entered this contest, thank you so much for the support in my FIRST giveaway!!!! I am hoping to do a giveaway at LEAST every other month, if not EVERY month, so stay tuned! Maybe one of these months, I'll give out another set of wings! Also, I made it to #12 on Top Mommy Blogs!!! Thanks to YOU!!!! Unfortunately, they start it over each month. Right now, I'm only at 1054!!!! I would LOVE it if you could find it in your hearts to vote for me again and help me be in the top 5!!!!!!!

Congratulations, Mimi!!! Can't wait to talk to you!!!!


  1. Hooray for the winner. Lucky.
    When we click on your button for top mommy blog, does that cast a vote or do we have to do something at the site?

  2. Okay so I can't tell you how EXCITED I am to be the LUCKY WINNER!!!! :)

  3. Those are so beautiful - what a great giveaway! Best of luck climbing back to the top of the mommy blogs!

    Stopping by from SITS!

  4. Woohoo!! Congrats on a successful first giveaway. What a cool prize. Some little girl is going to be very happy.

  5. I love that picture of pretty!


Like what you see here? Please click the button on my sidebar to vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs! <3 Thanks!