Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

(I know: NO words required...but too bad for you, I can't shut up.)

I have to say that I am fairly impressed with my camera at the moment, and it's ability to capture the delicacy of such a lovely little token of spring being just around the corner...aren't you impressed too?

And for those of you who participated in my Not Me Monday, and were disappointed at my not including a picture of my mom's birthday girl chiuahua in her birthday sombrero....

There you have it.


  1. I love the pictures! Oh I left you an award on my blog, check it out!

  2. Nice camera and I love the picture of the dog in the sombrero.

  3. That dog in that hat!! It should be a greeting card!! Too cute :-)

  4. Yay! It's almost spring- that makes me so happy:) That dog is hilarious. My dog would have never tolerated a hat like that!

  5. Yea!! You posted the chihuahua pics! Love them.

    And as far as Spring being "right around the corner"....W A H O O ! !

    Thanks for the proof!!!!

  6. Hahaha! I love the pictures of the dog. Don't worry, I can't shut up either. I have started labeling my Wordless Wednesdays as Mostly Wordless Wednesdays.
    I have to agree with everyone, Yay for spring! It can't get here soon enough!

  7. That's such an interesting flower/berry... what is it?

    Cute chihuahua!! :)

  8. It's actually a bud on our tree in the yard! Spring is on it's way!!!

  9. Fantastic! I love the first. I've been so bad at not going out and getting winter shots this year. Cute pup too!


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