Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

For more WONDERFUL Wordless Wednesday Pics, visit:

or http://www.5minutesformom.com/ for hundreds of links!!!


  1. That family picture is AWESOME!!! You all are SO beautiful!!!

  2. What beautiful pictures!!

    Happy WW!

  3. Gorgeous pictures! And I love your family pic!! So cute! The hubby's hat is awesome.

  4. Great pictures! Love the family picture!

  5. What a beautiful family!!

    You had asked on my blog if I could send you the button code for Feel Good Friday and I can't email it into a comment. If you could contact-email me I can send it that way.

  6. I'm glad I could help with your strikethrough question!

    I don't know what your email is and I can't find it anywhere, so this is the only way I could respond...

    And again... your family is beautiful (and you are more than welcome for that comment)!

  7. Sorry Melissa- I'm going to get right on that and put up my email information! Thanks again! y'all are dolls!

  8. I love that first pic. Most of the pics i take of my 1 1/2 year old son are blurry because he won't sit still long enough.
    Love the ruffles!!

  9. The pictures are wonderful. I especially love the first one with the bench. Which temple is this?

  10. Beautiful pictures, what a sweet family!

  11. Angie- it's the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple- it was at the open house that we took the kids to last July!

  12. Wow these are stunning photos! Thanks for sharing...and I have to say I love your blog title "Because I Don't Scrapbook"...that is so me!

  13. These are great pictures! A beautiful family and a beautiful temple!

  14. Thanks for stopping by PBD today! Your shots are beautiful as are your kids! And your blog is very purty too. I'd love to add your button to the old bloggity, but I only add buttons of people who agree to be my ifriends. So, want to? Read all about it here: http://parentingbydummies.blogspot.com/2009/11/make-new-friends-monday.html

  15. LOVE the family photo! Great shots!


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