Tuesday, January 26, 2010

sPoOnS fOr ScArLeT

On September 21, 2009, my 18 month old daughter, Scarlet, pulled a dresser and television over onto her face. She suffered a fracture that circled her left occipital bone and traced around the back of her head and went through her right ear, leaving her with nerve irritation and a palsy in the right side of her face for about 2 months.

Luckily, Scarlet is a fighter, and so were the doctors and Nurses at Primary Children's Medical Center, where she was life flighted and stayed for nearly a week. Today, she is a normal, healthy, beautiful and fearless 2 year old girl.

Angels Walk The Halls Of Primary Children's Medical Center, and Miracles are handed out like candy.


In an attempt to give something back, to help save the lives of children like Scarlet, and to take care of the children who aren't as lucky, our family and friends would like to donate a tree to the annual Festival of trees (see http://www.festivaloftreesutah.org/ ) to raise money for the children of Primary Children's Medical Center (see http://intermountainhealthcare.org/hospitals/primarychildrens/Pages/home.aspx ) here in Utah- one of the best and most successful children's hospitals in all of the Western United States.

In order to raise money to decorate Scarlet's tree, we are creating these beautiful, baby-spoon charms, an expression of love and thanks from us to you.

A creative incentive, these
are a beautiful accent to any window, and will help us donate thousands of dollars to children who need us.

When you purchase a SpOoN fOr ScArLeT, you are donating $10.00 toward the greatest cause ever: Our Children.

100% of the proceeds will go directly to Primary Children's Medical Center to help all those precious babies who are hurt or sick become well and safe again. Leftover money that is not needed for the tree will be donated to the hospital in the form of a check.

Please purchase a beautiful
and help us help the children.

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